Research On The Capital Structure Of Your Four Companies 1

Question Description
For your final SLP, you will be doing someresearch on the capital structure of your four companies. You will alsobe doing an overall assessment of these four companies based on theresearch you did for your Module 1-4 SLPs.

Write a two page paper addressing the following issues:

Go to or a similar page andfind the long-term debt to total equity and the total debt to equityratios for your four companies. should also give you theindustry averages for these ratios. Based onthese ratios, do your four companies have a greater relative debt loadthan the average of their industry? Do any of them seem at risk forbankruptcy?
How does the debt ratios align with thecredit ratings you found for your Module 2 SLP or the beta that youfound for your Module 3 SLP? Do the companies with higher debt ratioshave lower credit ratings or larger betas, and dothe companies with lower debt ratios have higher credit ratings andlower betas?
Finally, what is your overall assessmentof your four companies based on your research for your Modules 1-4 SLPs?Which ones do you think are good investments based on your research?Which companies do you think are bad investments?Rank your four companies from best to worst investment. This part ofthe assignment should be at least one page.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Answer the assignment questions directly.

Stay focused on the precise assignmentquestions. Do not go off on tangents or devote a lot of space tosummarizing general background materials.
For computational problems, make sure to show your work and explain your steps.
For short answer/short essay questions,make sure to reference your sources of information with both abibliography and in-text citations. See the Student Guide to Writing aHigh-Quality Academic Paper, including pages 11-14 onin-text citations.
The fundamental reference for all fourSLP assignments is the Continuous Process Improvement TransformationGuidebook. You should acquaint yourself with its contents beforebeginning the first SLP, refer to it throughout the course,and cite relevant portions as you prepare each SLP assignment.
This SLP assignment concludes theanalysis of the process described in the SLP assignments in Modules 1,2, and 3. For this assignment, please write an essay describing:
The data that should be gathered before, during, and after the improvement initiative.
How the data should be collected.
What criteria should be applied to determine whether the intended improvements are working as intended.
SLP Assignment Expectations
There are no page limits. Write what youneed to write, neither more nor less. Make each sentence count! (Havingsaid that; it’s unlikely that one page would be enough, and very likelythat eight pages would be too much.)
Ensure that your answer reflects your detailed understanding of the theory and techniques taught in this module.
References and citations are required.This requirement can be satisfied by citing the module Home page, and(for the SLP) the DOD CPI Guidebook.

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