Reflective Question For Lesson 1 1 How Do The Redeemers Southern White Elites Who Were In Power Before The War Regain Control What Are They Quot Redeeming Quot

Question Description

Lesson 1.1: Textbook Readings

15. Reconstruction

NOTE: The assigned reading includes all sections of the chapter including the primary sources at the end of the chapter.

Reflective question for Lesson 1.1:How do the Redeemers (Southern white elites who were in power before the war) regain control?What are they “redeeming?”

Reflective Question for Lesson 1.2: Analyze the Indian policy of the US government. What promises had been made to the Indians? What promises were broken?

Reflective Question for Lesson 1.3: Why does the People’s Party organize? What is the platform of the party (Omaha Platform)?

Reflective Question for Lesson 1.4: What factors prevented large scale social, economic, and political change in the South?

Reflective Question for Case Study 1.1: Briefly describe the reasons for Geronimo’s continued resistance to American authority as presented in the documentary.

Reflective Question for Case Study 1.2: The documentary over Carnegie discussed both positive and negative aspects of his actions as a business owner. You have also been introduced to the concept of Robber Baron v Captain of Industry in a previous lesson. What actions, as presented in the documentary, can be considered those of a robber baron (a more pejorative interpretation of actions)? What actions, as presented in the documentary, can be considered those of a captain of industry (a more positive interpretation)? How would you categorize Carnegie, is he more of a robber baron or captain of industry?

Reflective Question for Lesson 2.1: What are the key points (both for and against) in the domestic debate over having an empire?

Reflective Question for Lesson 2.2: How are minorities in the U.S. treated in the late 19th/early 20th centuries? Which groups are assimilated? Which are segregated? Why?

Reflective Question for Lesson 2.3: Why does the U.S. wish to remain neutral in WWI? Who is most opposed to the war?Why?

Reflective Question for Case Study 2.1: Whose tactics, Alice Paul’s or Susan B Anthony’s, do you think more important for the final push for ratification of the 19th Amendment?

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