Read the Lochner & Moretti article assigned in this module, The Effect of Educat

Read the Lochner & Moretti article assigned in this module, The Effect of Education on Crime: Evidence from prison inmates, arrests, and self-reports
and write a short paper responding to the following prompt:
Is public education the way to weaken organized crime groups domestically and internationally? If so, how would this be accomplished? If not, provide an analysis expaining why you believe this to be so. Include references to support your assertions.
Please do in APA format, however space it one and a half, other sources will be down below
Shoichet, C. E. (2017). Chasing ‘El Chapo’: Prison breaks, hideaways and life on the lam. Click here (Links to an external site.) to access this article. Retrieved from
Penn, S. (2016). El Chapo Speaks: A secret visit with the most wanted man in the world. Click here (Links to an external site.) to access this article. Retrieved from
Wood, M. (n.d.). Pablo Escobar Crime Files. Click here (Links to an external site.) to access this article. Retrieved from
Linder, D. O. (n.d.). Al Capone Trial (1931): An account. Click here (Links to an external site.) to access this article. Retrieved from
Raab, S. (1989). John Gotti running the Mob. Click here (Links to an external site.) to access this article. Retrieved from

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