Read and annotate the article “Educators and Race: A conversation with author Ijeoma Oluo about tackling systemic racism in schools.” 

For this assignment, please do the following in the order listed below:
**You are expected to annotate (write notes and questions in the margins, highlight/underline/circle, etc.) the articles in #1, #2, and #3 below.  Please do these by hand and attach a scan or photos of your annotations in order to earn credit for that portion of the assignment.
1. Read and annotate the article “Educators and Race: A conversation with author Ijeoma Oluo about tackling systemic racism in schools.”  You can find this article by searching HCC’s library database.  Once you locate it, read the full text.  There will be a clickable link, which will open a full-text PDF.
2. Read and annotate the article “Straddling 2 Worlds: An Iranian expatriate helps those like her find their confidence in a new land.”
3. Read and annotate the article “Malema tells Whites in South Africa: join the struggle or else…”
4. Watch any two of eight videos in the series found here:
5. Based on your reading and viewing, define systemic racism. Then, explain one way you believe society can or should address this social issue.
6. Paraphrase the “Educators and Race” paragraph beginning with “You have to realize….”  Use a parenthetical citation at the end of your paraphrase to acknowledge the source of information you are putting into your own words.
7. Using the library databases as your search tool, find a case study, journal article, or magazine/newspaper article on a different, current problem/social issue you see in modern society.  NOTE:  You must do a database search; you may not search via Google.
8. Write a letter to your legislator (this means you need to find out who it is), making a case for a law you believe the legislator should propose in order to address this modern problem/social issue you’ve observed and now have researched.  Make sure to use a direct quote from the article you found (see #7), giving credit to the person whose words you are quoting.  Also provide a direct quote from a text or an individual, who has something valuable and apt to say about the problem you are addressing.
9. Create a Works Cited entry for each source: the three articles I asked you to read, the article you found through a database search, the two videos, and the additional text or individual you cited in your legislator letter.  To do these entries, you may need a librarian’s assistance, or you may choose to use a resource such as Purdue OWL or another online source for creating MLA citations.

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