Psychopathology Vignette

Paper details:

Psychopathology Final
The final consists of 3 vignettes. Carefully read each vignette and complete the following 4 questions.
• First, list any diagnosis in which the client meets the DSM criteria, making sure to include the
full name of the diagnosis and the ICD-10 code.
• Second, provide a reason for the diagnosis given. This should include why you choose this
diagnosis, and is a chance to clarify what in the vignette supports this diagnosis using your
• Third, list any diagnosis (including the ICD-10 code) you would like to rule out. This is a
diagnosis that from what you know, the client meets partial criteria for, or displays symptoms
that cause you to consider this diagnosis, but you cannot give the actual diagnosis at this time
because from what you know they do not meet the full criteria.
• Finally, provide further questions and follow up you would have for the client in future
sessions to assess whether or not this should become a diagnosis.

Here is a template you can use to answer each question. You can copy and past this template into
a word document 3 times and submit that document as your final.
Vignette #
1) Diagnosis:
2) Rational for diagnosis:
3) Any rule out diagnosis:
4) Further questions and follow up to assess:____
Vignette #1:
Laura is a 29 year old divorced mother, with two young children. She was divorced a year ago,
after her husband, who had an extramarital affair, decided to leave her for a woman he met at the
gym. Soon after the divorce Laura took a job at a bank to make ends meet. She recently went to
her general practitioner when she started to have a lot of headaches. During the consultation she
also told him that she has been having difficult getting to sleep over the last 6 months. She also
included that she is often irritable, on edge, and has found herself yelling at her children more
frequently. She recently started experiencing palpitations and tingling in her hands, and
described herself worrying most days about things like being a good mom to her kids, loosing
her job, and keeping up with friendships in her little bit of spare time.

Vignette #2
Rob is a 54 year old data analyst at a large cooperate company. He is married to Sally and will
be celebrating his 29th wedding anniversary next month. Four years ago Rob broke his foot and
was no longer able to participate in his weekly basketball games with is buddies. Rob’s 3rd and
youngest child moved away to college 3 years ago. Two years ago his company restructure and
Rob’s boss became someone significantly younger than him. Rob has decided to take advantage
of the 12 free therapy sessions his company is providing this year as his wife feels as though he
has been “sad for far too long” and would like him to seek help. During his intake he explains to
his therapist that over the past 4 years he has noticed a change in his activity. He initially
thought he was often tired because he had to decrease his physical activity with a broken foot,
but now that is just his normal, even though his food has healed. He mentions he has put on
weight, but has no energy to begin exercising again. As the therapist and Rob explore all of the
loss and change he has experienced the past few years it become evident that Rob’s self-esteem
has decreased as well. Rob describes still being able to participate in the regular day to day
activities, but thinks that his wife was right, as he regularly feels sad.

Vignette #3
Jillian is a 45 year old lawyer for a prestigious law firm. One months ago her company moved
her to Atlanta to direct a new branch of their firm. Though reluctant, Jillian took the job because
there was a promise of partnership if this branch opening was successful. She also felt like the
move would allow her some time to work through her recent (2 months ago) divorce from her
3rd husband. Once she arrived in Atlanta she has found herself to be more irritable, jittery, and
even tearful at times. This is unlike her as she prides herself in her strong work ethic and not
mixing her work with her personal life. She recently went on a shopping/spending binge in an
effort to sooth her worry and stress. She blames the constant stress of the new job for her
difficulty connecting with people in Atlanta. She describes the new relationships she has
experienced as hot or cold. Some people love her and some hate her, but those that initially love
her don’t stick around long.

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