Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help. Part of discussion 1
There are three videos in this assignment watch and write your response for each.  I need 100 words response for each. Please copy the link to watch the video.
1)In our exploration of vulnerable populations, I thought you might be interested in listening to this podcast from NPR. It’s pretty telling for sure. If you listen to this video let me know what you think and how we might work toward change.
Foden-Vencil, K. (Host) (2019, January, 3). Emergency Medical Responders Confront Racial Bias [Audio podcast episode]. In Morning Edition. National Public Radio.
2) Yet another brief video for your review related to vulnerable populations. Let me know what you think!
The Commonwealth Fund ( 2012, November, 12). Improving care for vulnerable populations [Video].
Edited by Jolene Klumpp on May 6 at 6:28pm
3) I post this video about vulnerable populations that provides the notion that vulnerable populations might come from any socioeconomic class though poverty certainly puts people more at risk to be vulnerable. This is about the state of Arizona but presents some great points for us all to think about! Take a look and let me know what you think.
Arixona Town Hall (July, 2016, 21). Vulnerable populations. [Video], YouTube.
Psychology homework help

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