Psychology 290

Question Description

Issues of stereotypes are common areas of study within social psychology. In particular, the area of gender role stereotypes has received large amounts of attention over the recent decades.

Choose 1 study from the following options:

Meyer, M., & Gelman, S. A. (2016). Gender essentialism in children and parents: Implications for the development of gender stereotyping and gender-typed preferences. Sex Roles, 75(9-10), 409-421. doi:

Steffens, M. C., & Jelenec, P. (2011). Separating implicit gender stereotypes regarding math and language: Implicit ability stereotypes are self-serving for boys and men, but not for girls and women. Sex Roles, 64(5-6), 324-335. doi:

Rice, L., & Barth, J. M. (2016). Hiring decisions: The effect of evaluator gender and gender stereotype characteristics on the evaluation of job applicants. Gender Issues, 33(1), 1-21. doi:

Endendijk, J. J., Derks, B., & Mesman, J. (2018). Does parenthood change implicit gender-role stereotypes and behaviors? Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(1), 61-79. doi:

Then, based on the study chosen, answer the following:

In your own words, summarize and explain the results of the study chosen.
Discuss the implications of the study in regards to gender stereotypes (i.e., what stereotypes were found or not found).
Explain how gender stereotypes have changed over the past 30 years.

Please cite the study chosen in your paper. Use in-text citations and a reference list according to APA style guidelines.

Please submit your assignment.

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