Provide Replies To Below Discussions Each In 100 Words

I need help with a Computer Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Please read below student posts and provide replies accordingly.

Main Que:

Describe what you believe are the key leadership roles in implementing a Lean transformation. Then select one of these roles and describe what you would do to model it within your organization.

anu-~ Ensure that all members of the organization are correctly coached – This avoids conflict and delivers a management group that can facilitate change with the teams working for them and so remove waste efficiently. Example – Organization should be more focused on automation on repetitive tasks rather than doing manual effort again and again during regression testing.

~ Organize around value streams – Someone with real leadership skills and a deep understanding of the product and process must be responsible for the process of creating value for customers and must be accountable to the customer.

~ Develop communication and feedback channels for everyone – Involvement of people at various level by sharing their ideas to built synergy to move positively ahead in the lean journey.

~ Create a positive atmosphere – Give freedom to employees to make decisions or come up with new ideas. Have courage to take risks at crucial stages to push things and resources to meet the plan and achieve results.

~ Track performance and make results visible – Real time data tracking is best. Ensure all processes have key measures and review them regularly.

san-Key leadership roles:

While implementing the Agile lean transformation some of the key leadership role an Agile coach or a lean manager must play are being a

1. Change Agent – A change agent is a person from inside or outside the organization who helps an organization transform itself by focusing on such matters as organizational effectiveness, improvement, and development.

2. Facilitator – A facilitator is a person who chooses or is given the explicit role of conducting a meeting. This role usually entails that the facilitator will take little part in the discussions on the meeting’s topic, but will focus primarily on creating the conditions for effective group processes, in the pursuit of the objectives for which the meeting was convened.

3. A servant leader – Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy in which the main goal of the leader is to serve. This is different from traditional leadership where the leader’s main focus is the thriving of their company or organizations

4. Mentor – Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. In this context an Agile coach would help to inculcate the Agile knowledge on to the team when needed

5. Advisor – An Agile coach or a lean manager should play a role of an advisor when needed for given an expert opinion

Personally, I would prefer playing the role of a Servant leader. Being a scrum master by myself, this role helps me to mend the team in a way they understand the principles and adapt to the right mindset to approach their goals and objectives. My role calls for the need to create an environment that allows my team members to express their concerns, suggestions and allow them to make mistakes and learn from them. This would help the team to self-manage and get into an agile mindset that is needed to achieve their objectives.

Main ques:

Define the term Catchball. In regards to a catchball or PDCA Cycle, compare and contrast the provided A3 and Change Canvas templates. Which do you think is better for documenting strategic alignment activities? Why?

Himan-The Lean Technique of Catchball is a valuable improvement tool. The process of passing ideas back and forth as well as up and down is an effective way to keep people engaged in positive change. It also has an important role to play in strategic planning and strategy deployment.

Using the Catchball technique, leaders “toss” ideas for objectives to the level of management below them. The managers then return the “ball” with their own input and ideas. The process is repeated until consensus is reached. Department heads then repeat the process with their managers, and so on, until the goals have been cascaded across the organization. Everyone has clear objectives that they helped to create.

PDCA: The PDCA-Cycle, is the classic problem-solving approach in a LEAN environment. PDCA is used for medium sized problems and the Act-phase implies that the PDCA-Cycle should start again in the sense of a continuous improvement process. The Plan-phase should be done very careful and therefore should consume at least 50% of the total time of the PDCA.

A3: The A3-Report, developed by Toyota, is an 8-step PDCA that should fit on an A3 sheet of paper. It is a collaborative and visual tool (graphs should be included). The A3 is also used for solving medium sized problems, which can be solved in approx. one week or less. A3-Reports are very common in the LEAN world.


The application of the catchball is vertical, meaning that the top level of management sets the goals for the company and prepares a strategy proposal. They toss it like a ball to the lower level and wait for feedback and proposition from the lower level. It allows to align the company’s goals and objectives with the actions of the people at all hierarchical levels of the organization. It creates and maintains open feedback loops across all levels of the organizational hierarchy by establishing a two-way flow of information.

Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle is a model for carrying out change. PDCA is a simple four-stage method that enables teams to avoid recurring mistakes and improve processes. PDCA cycle is an iterative approach for continually improving products, people, and services.
Plan: Create a plan for solving the problem. This should include creating a deep understanding of a problem, identifying the root cause, defining the problem, and setting goals. we can use the Catchball technique to generate ideas and receiving feedback from the people who are going to be affected by the change. Do: The plan must be implemented. Check: In this step we check to see if the solution that was put in place really worked. Act: When area where the “Do” step fell short is identified, we need to fix it.
A change canvas is a visual tool to enable the process of a change. It depicts visually the impacts a change will have from cost to revenue to customer impact. It gives in one page the birds eye view of the change and the impact it will have. Where as the A3 is a problem solving visual tool. It is a structured problem solving and continuous-improvement approach. It provides a simple procedure that guides solving the problem by the lower level employees. The A3 is a storyboard that follows the PDCA cycle, it generally it consists of the background, the current state of affairs, the goals/objectives to be achieved, the root cause analysis, the counter measures, effect confirmation and the follow-up actions. I think if it is change process that we are looking at we would use the Lean change canvas to depict the impact the change is going to have. Either way, both use the PDCA cycle, directly or indirectly.

9 mins agoAnswer 17 questions short answer
I need support with this Political Science question so I can learn better.

I need help answering 17 questions this is the instructions :

Respond to the questions. There is no required length as each question requires a different level of response. There are simply answers that fully respond and those that do not, but longer than half a page single-spaced seems excessive. Please single-space and clearly number the short answers. Please avoid information that is not responding to the question as that will result in a lowering of the grade. .

1. Define inherent presidential power and discuss one specific example of its use by a president.

2. Define federalism and explain how it has been displayed during this current COVID19 pandemic in the United States.

3. Discuss two ways that committees help the congress complete their legislative task.

4. Briefly discuss the different styles of the House of Representatives and the United States Senate and how it effects their relationship.

5. What is the role of the Rules Committee in the House of Representatives?

6. What is a writ of certiorari and how is the “rule of 4’ related to it?

7. What are the Helvidius and Pacificus debates and why are they important?

8. What are two factors that determine which congressional committee a member of congress will be placed on?

9. Discuss why a president is so successful when he/she decides to veto a piece of legislation.

10. Explain why the following statement is false: “A popular election of the president will be more fair than the Electoral College.”

11. The Constitution states that we are protected from “unreasonable searches and seizures,” but

how do we determine what is unreasonable?

12. Why do political parties matter in the United States Congress?

13. Explain the difference between an enumerated and an implied congressional power.

14. What is the Great Compromise and how did it impact the Congress and the election of the President?

15. What is a “faithless elector” and explain two reason why it need not be a serious problem inthe Electoral College system.

16. Explain the two actively used methods that states use to distribute their Electoral College votes.

17. Discuss two actions that may take place at the committee stage of the legislative process.Application of Big Data Analytics during systems maintenance: online nursing assignment help
I need an explanation for this Computer Science question to help me study.

Need a 6 page paper in APA format.

Statement of the problem: While infrastructure is growing, it is getting challenging to maintain that huge infrastructure in production environments. Systems maintenance is getting more critical as applications and customers demand high availability and zero downtime. In any industry, maintaining production systems is increasingly critical as downtime could be costly and damage the reputation of the company. Manufacturing industries take critical care maintaining the machinery that could lead to catastrophic damage in production. As equipment and infrastructure is emerging, they are producing huge amounts of data sets which can be used as a datasource to Big Data and analyze the data and prevent outages in production environment.

Conclusion: The aim of this paper is to provide the use and application of Big Data analytics tools and techniques in production environment to reduce the systems outage, detect and prevent damage and help during maintenance.

If possible use below references:

Ray Y. Zhonga, Chen Xub, Chao Chenc and George Q. Huangd, “Big Data Analytics for Physical Internet-based intelligent manufacturing shop floors”

Jens Baum, Christoph Laroque, Benjamin Oeser, Anders Skoogh, Mukund Subramaniyan, “Applications of Big Data analytics and Related Technologies in Maintenance—Literature-Based Research”

Lieberman Joshua, Leidner Alan, Percivall George, Ronsdorf Carsten, “Using big data analytics and IoT principles to keep an eye on underground infrastructure”Learning Monitor and Goals: nursing essay help
I’m stuck on a Management question and need an explanation.

Monitoring Learning Goals
On pages 168-170 in our text (Dean, 2012), you will see a matrix which is entitled, “Key Instructional Practices for Teaching Types of Knowledge.” Listed on the column is the type of knowledge to be taught, while the middle column focuses on the key instructional practices necessary for that specific type of knowledge. The third column identifies the specific strategies that support each of the various types of knowledge to be taught.

The value of this matrix is that it coordinates the knowledge with the practices, which then align with the various strategies.

To become more familiar with this matrix, make arrangements to visit Visit a classroom in your school or, if you are not currently in a school, make arrangements to visit a classroom in a school nearby. Before going into the classroom;
Meet with the teacher to explain your assignment and ask the teacher to identify which of the five Types of Knowledge (in the far left column) will you observe being taught. Review the matrix for familiarity and what you will be looking for in the center column. While in the classroom and in a format of your choosing, take notes of what you see the teacher and students doing and determine if the Type of Knowledge is/was being taught. Look at the Key Instructional Practices (center column) and determine whether or not the teacher has met all the practices listed in this column. Justify your findings with statements or classroom actions that indicate this practice was/was not met.
After you have observed the teacher, in four or five well-written paragraphs, comment on the questions below.
What Type of Knowledge did the teacher tell you s/he would be using? What did you see happen in the classroom? Did the teacher fulfill the Key Instructional Practices? How do you know? What indicators were present? Of the Strategies that Support Teaching (far right column), which most closely resembled what you observed in the classroom? If you were to teach this lesson, what would you differently? What could you do to help the teacher better utilize the Key Instructional Practices listed in the center column of the matrix?
Do not include the name of the teacher you observed or any identifying information.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

Click here for information on course rubrics.
Required Studies
The following materials are required studies for this week. Complete these studies at the beginning of the week and save these weekly materials for future use.

Classroom Instruction that Works (Dean, Hubbell, Pitler, & Stone, 2012)
Chapter 10: Instructional Planning Using the Nine Categories of Strategies
What the Data Really Shows: Direct Instruction Really Works (Lindsay, 2012) [Web page] Vocabulary Comes from Reading (Krashen, 2012) [PDF] Direct Instruction of Academic Vocabulary: What About Real Reading? (Krashen, 2012) [PDF] Correlates of Effective Schools: The First and Second Generation (Lezotte, 1999) [Web page]
Instructional Planning (Teachers.TV, n.d.) [Video]
Direct Instruction in Action (Education Consumers Foundation, 2012) [Website]
Recommended Studies
These resources are provided to enhance your overall learning experience. For deeper understanding of the weekly concepts, review these optional resources.

Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson.

Marzano, R. J. (2007). The art and science of teaching: A comprehensive framework for effective instruction. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson.Case Study
I’m studying for my Business class and need an explanation.

Read the Case “Political Action by the U.S. Steel Industry, 2015-2018” at the end of CHAPTER 8 and response to the following:
Did the steel industry act appropriately as a participant in the political environment when it sought economic protection from foreign steel imports? What political strategies, as shown in Figure 8.2, did the steel industry use to gain tariff protections? What other political strategies could the steel industry have used to promote their interests and how? What levels of corporate political involvement, as shown in Figure 8.5, are evident in the case? Should Chinese and other country’s steel producers be permitted to engage as a political participant in the U.S. political environment to protect their economic interests?

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