Provide A Reflection Of At Least 500 Words (or 2 Pages Double Spaced) Of How The Knowledge, Skills, Or Theories Of This Course Have Been Applied, Or Could Be Applied, In A Practical Manner To Your Current Work Environment. If You Are Not Currently Working

I’m trying to learn for my Computer Science class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace. poli 101 test
Need help with my Political Science question – I’m studying for my class.

Part 1: Descriptive Essay
Pick 1 (out of 2); 25 points Explain some aspect of US politics. Make sure to answer every part of the question
Part 2: Argumentative Essay Pick 1 (out of 2); 25 points Make an argument for or against some claim about US politics

Overarching Themes for the Exam

US Political Culture
Tocqueville: the innovations and pitfalls of the US social state
Innovations: local autonomy; self-interest properly understood Pitfalls: tyranny of the majority; individualism; industrial aristocracy; new despotism
Civil liberties and civil rights
Selective incorporation and the balance of personal freedoms and public security The history of the civil rights movement: litigation vs. mass movement Contemporary problems: why do we see unequal outcomes in a “colorblind” society?
Political behaviors and institutions beyond the three branches of gov’t
Why does public opinion matter? How does the media shape it? What are somechallenges in measuring it? Interest groups vs. parties: who participates? Who tends to be excluded? Why do these organizations persist? How might political outcomes change if we changed voting and campaigning rules?
the exam is tomorrow I can take at anytime from 11am to 11pmAssignment 3: nursing homework help
I don’t know how to handle this Business question and need guidance.

JWI 520: People ManagementAcademic Submissions and Evaluations©Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed,in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University.This course guide is subject to change based on the needs of the class.JWMI 520 –Assignment 3(1186)Page 2of 5InstructionsIn this assignment, you are the manager of a team of 4 to 6 individuals. You have decided to use the Player Positioning Matrix as a framework to assess your direct reports and make plans for future management of your team. Firstly, you will assess your employees and write down your findings in a Player Positioning Chart, as shown below. Secondly, you will write about your findings in a brief paper, using the Outline below. Note: If you have no direct reports, use a group of individuals with whom you are familiar. Your first task is to decide which quadrant of the Matrix each employee is in and to analyze the reasons for your assessment. Follow the instructions to create a simple Player Positioning Chart with 3 columns (see example below): •Carefully review the four quadrants in Becker’s Player Positioning Matrix (above)•Create a Player Positioning Chart, similar to the one below, with: oA row for each employeeoThe positioning for that employeeoA Rationale column explaining why they are in the selected quadrant•Include 4 to 6 employees in your chart oUse first names only and change the names if you wish Player Positioning Chart (example)EmployeePositioningRationaleSusieType: Right Player, Right PositionExcellent analyst, always looking to learn new skills and improve her performance. Provides great support to every team to which she is assigned. Very quick to get up to speed in a new project or assignment. Her presentations were good to start with, but she has improved them with the addition of new ways to present data for a non-technical audience. FredType: Right Position, Wrong PlayerCapable project manager but coasting in his present role. Has the ability to perform well, but not the desire to learn and develop. Generally completes projects on time and on budget. Communicates appropriately with coworkers and stakeholders, but does notenergize the wider team. In 2 years, he has not introduced any new approaches to project planning or made significant contributions to team development.Write final draft: assignment help philadelphia
I’m stuck on a History question and need an explanation.

Guidelines for the paper:

– Format: Make sure you write your name and ‘Greece’ in the top left hand corner of the first page and that you use 12 pt Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. Use headings in your paper for clarity. Remember, the sections you must include in your paper are introduction, literature review, background, and evidence and analysis in that order.

– Introduction: You must state your argument in the introduction. Before it, you may include your research question if you like.

– Literature Review: You must clearly state your intervention at the end of your literature review. The literature review examines the arguments of scholarly secondary sources. You should discuss at least 3-5 secondary sources that deal with your research question or related ones. Some of these sources may explain theoretical key terms necessary for understanding your argument.

– Background: The background must go over any necessary events, people, or key terms (mostly non-theoretical, as these most of the time are more appropriate for the literature review), that your reader needs to know before they delve into the details of your evidence.

– Evidence and Analysis: Your evidence comes from primary sources. These primary sources may be found in secondary sources, but you need to be clear about what the actual primary source in that scholarly piece is. Contextualize it and go over its content, stating how it supports your argument. Make sure you discuss at least 3 primary sources. This final section is considered the main part of your essay, so make sure it is appropriately long (it should take up no less than half of your essay).

Fifth, and finally, the university’s Office of Assessment has reached out to me for samples of your work in its evaluation of this course as one that fulfills the requirements of Integrative Learning. In trying to streamline the process of getting your consent as much as possible, please let me know if you are NOT comfortable with me submitting your final paper for this assessment. There are two steps in the process, so if you want to participate in the second step, you can fill out the consent form linked in the third paragraph of the attached letter explaining what this is in further detail.Africa In World Affairs final
I’m trying to study for my History course and I need some help to understand this question.

Answer the following question (30 points). Your answer should be in essay form between 3-5 double-spaced pages.

Using either the Kenya or Sudan case studies, discuss the conflicts which affected these countries, and the role of the U.S and international community in helping to resolve the conflicts and to promote democratic governance. You should explore how these conflicts are symptomatic of the problem of ethnic conflict in Africa, and you should note the specific causes of the conflict that you choose to discuss. You should discuss how the U.S. and others worked with African organizations like the AU and IGAD, and with indigenous civil society.

Your answer should provide details to support your statements, and you should refer to required reading in Davidson and Gilbert. You may cite other sources as well.

Answer ONE of the following two questions (30 points). Your answer should be in essay form between 3-5 double-spaced pages.

1.Compare and contrast the policies and activities of the U.S. and China in Africa. You should take into account the potentially positive and negative aspects of such involvement. Your answer should address the issue of competition between the U.S. and China on the continent.

You should provide sufficient detail to support your statements. You do not need to make any reference to required reading.

2.How are the future economic and political prospects of Africa affected – both positively and negatively – by the economic, political, and social progress being made, and by economic, political, and social challenges? You do not need to make any reference to required reading.

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