Provide a brief descriiption of the injustice. For example, a summary of police brutality in the US.

provide an example in which oppressive forces (states, institutions, politicians, etc) have offered symbolic change(s) in place of substantive change(s).
In the first half:
1. Provide a brief descriiption of the injustice. For example, a summary of police brutality in the US.
2. Provide a summary of the fight against it, including their demands. For example a summary of the abolition movement.
3. Describe the symbolic change that was offered in place of the demands. For example, the Black Lives Matter street murals and the drafting of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.
*Don’t use the policing example. It has already been used as the exemplar*
4. Critique the ways this tactic was used by oppressive forces to delegitimize the movement and diminish their support among the general public.
(Use your own words to summarize write the paper in this format but do not write the instructions or numbers on the page.)

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