Project2 Basic Argument Essay Timed Write

Question Description

For this timed writing, you will need to write a complete (short) essay of 600-800 words based on the two short articles I have provided. Your task is to read the articles and respond to my prompt.
You will have 120 minutes to complete the essay. Once you begin, you may NOT go back to it; it needs to be completed in one sitting. No exceptions. I will not accept essays through email or after the due date.
You will need to write your answer on a Word or Pages file and upload the file to submit.
Your essay should have:

An introduction with a hook, background information and a thesis that directly respond to my prompt
A minimum of 2 (and up to 3) PIE body paragraphs with a clear Point that is an opinion, Information that is properly introduced quotes from the articles and Explanation that is thorough and connects the reader back to the point.
A conclusion that restates your thesis and provides a final thought.
Please format your essay in MLA but do not worry about a Works Cited page for this timed draft.

***You are not allowed to use ANY outside sources for this essay. That includes other articles, any form of translator, any other person, Grammarly and so on. If you use any outside sources, you will receive a 0 on the assignment.***

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