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Pre-COVID Information Flow Scenario – Appraisal During COVID – Management Assignment Help

Assignment Task :
With the present COVID scenario, the National Bank decided to computerize as many of its operations as possible to increase efficiency and, customer convenience. One of the first steps was to place Automated Teller Machines -ATMs one in each 2-kilometer radius. The bank also started a program that expands on telephone banking by allowing clients owning microcomputers to conduct virtually all their transactions from their homes.
These successes made the bank consider use of micro terminals in the homes of their employees so that they can work from home as well. It is believed that this will allow for greater flexibility for employees; reduce the need for office and floor space for the bank. So, it looks like technology will bring many changes in the current personnel practices as well as relationship between work and individual employee changes.
Please answer the following questions, using your own language and ideas. Your answers should reflect your knowledge of the subject. Preferably answers to be in points and expand your idea. Total number of pages for all answers put together not to exceed 3. You are allowed and encouraged to brainstorm. You can bring in readings and observations from heads of other institutions on these issues, and the perspectives they share on these issues. 
Questions (a) to (e) are each of 5 marks. 
Question (f) and (g) are of 7.5 marks each 

Discuss the information flow among all stake holders in the National bank in COVID-19 Scenario (keeping in mind the steps taken by the bank). Information flow in all directions to be discussed.

Compare the new information flow scenario with the pre-COVID information flow scenario. How, according to you will it affect the human dimensions of employees, such as communication, morale, discipline, competency development? You can add and discuss other dimensions too.

Since contact with immediate supervisors is eliminated, what type of performance appraisal do you suggest for the employees? You can design a short appraisal as a support for explaining this point.      

What factors will have greater impact in the appraisal during COVID? Is there greater need for feedback sessions, performance counseling and any other support keeping in mind the COVID environment?

Do you think an appraisal should be done now? What are the reasons for your decision? (either yes or no) What kind of errors could take place? Discuss two errors at least. 

Following questions  

What do you think of the bank’s decision to offer its services totally online- with reference to customers? How can it affect the functioning and various aspects within the bank, the customer base and profitability of the bank? Discuss using different aspects of the Performance Management System.

 Design a recommendation to the Director of National Bank outlining the changes in the bank’s policies, systems, and procedures to be put in place for preparing the employees at all levels for this change? How can the employees be made to participate?

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