Practice Creating Boolean Search

Practice Creating Boolean Search

You will use the Template for Search Strategy Assignment, which also includes a cover sheet in APA 7 format.  [You can refer to this paper format for future assignments.]  

The template asks you to select a topic and complete a search strategy table similar to the one in the Unit 1 Learning Resources.  After your table is complete, practice creating Boolean search statements. Boolean is new to many students; make your best effort and we’ll work together from there. 

The Unit 1 Discussion provides an opportunity to receive feedback on this much of the assignment before moving on. You are encouraged review replies to that topic and consider the feedback you and your peers may have received. 

In Unit 2, we practice using the UMGC Library. As you search the library, take time to experiment and play. Small changes to a Boolean search can have a big impact on the results. As you can see in the assignment, we will each capture and share images of our search results in the template.  

After this initial search process, we will refine our searches to narrow the results by using advanced search techniques or database limiters. After we capture images of our refined search results, the template asks us to find a relevant source from the open web. It also asks us to select one article to continue working with. We will learn to cite our sources using APA 7 format. Finally, the template asks why you chose the article you chose.     

The Unit 2 Discussion gives us an opportunity to share the sources we found and to receive feedback on the APA format before we submit our assignments for grading. Posting on-time (by Sunday night) in Unit 2 will ensure there is time to receive feedback and make changes before the assignment deadline.  

Please upload your completed template to the Search Strategy Assignment folder. Submit as a docx or pdf file. The Search Strategy assignment is due at the end of Unit 2, Tuesday, 11:59 pm ET.  

 Before submitting your assignment, ask yourself:

1) Have I narrowed my research topic to create an open-ended research question? 

2) Have I included snips or screen captures of my search results showing: 

          – My search as I entered it into the system 

          – The limiters on the left side of the screen 

          – The first few results 

3) Have I chosen a research article that aligns with my research question? Is it available for free in full-text? Does it contain clear references to outside sources? 

We will continue working with the articles we choose here in Unit 3, for the Article Analysis assignment. 

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