
I need an explanation for this Management question to help me study.

For this assignment, you will discuss what you have learned in Unit III and Unit IV by creating a 12-slide PowerPoint presentation that addresses the case studies below.

Based on your reading of the case study “Is Business Ready for Wearable Computers?” on page 181 of the textbook, address the prompts below.
Discuss at least three examples of wearable technology. Discuss how wearable technology could change the way the company you work for or a company you are familiar with conducts business, and provide an example. Discuss at least one advantage and one disadvantage to wearable technology. Discuss how business intelligence (BI) systems are used for reporting and data analytics.
Based on your reading of the case study “How Reliable Is Big Data?” on page 246-248 of the textbook, address the prompts below.
Explain the term big data in your own words. Discuss how the music service Spotify used big data to better serve its customers. Discuss how New York City used big data to reduce crime rates. Discuss at least one ethical or security issue that big data can pose to individuals.
Based on your reading of the case study “Google, Apple, and Facebook Battle for Your Internet Experience” on page 290-292 of the textbook, address the prompts below.
Explain what is meant by mobile technology. Discuss how telecommunications and mobile technology networks are vital to companies and how they are fundamentally changing organizational strategies. Discuss the mobile strategy used by Google, Apple, and Facebook. Discuss at least two challenges posed by the Internet and networking.
Based on your reading of the case study “How Secure Is the Cloud?” on page 324 of the textbook, address the prompts below.
Discuss at least two security threats to cloud data. What should companies do to protect cloud data? Discuss why both the company and the cloud vendor are responsible for security. Discuss at least one security control that companies can use to increase security. Explain why data management has a tremendous impact on an organization’s survival.
In formatting your PowerPoint presentation, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, use bullets, graphs, and/or charts in your slides to identify important points, and then discuss those points in the speaker notes of each slide.

Your PowerPoint presentation must be at at least 12 slides in length (not counting the title and reference slides). You are required to use a minimum of three peer-reviewed, academic sources that are no more than 5 years old (one may be your textbook). All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; all paraphrased material must have accompanying in-text citations. One source must be from the CSU Online Library.

For tips on creating an organized and visually pleasing presentation, view the PowerPoint Best Practices tutorial. You can access the transcript for the tutorial by selecting the Notes tab on the right side of the tutorial.SOCW – 6204 Medical Social Work I: nursing assignment help services
I’m trying to learn for my Psychology class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

The medical social work profession owes its roots to Dr. Richard Cabot and Nurse Garnet Pelton. In 1905, Garnet Pelton was hired by Dr. Cabot, a physician at Massachusetts General Hospital, to provide social services to his clinic patients (Massachusetts General Hospital, n.d.). Dr. Cabot recognized the importance of addressing a patient’s social needs and health needs simultaneously in order to achieve maximum benefit. Since 1905, the field of medical social work has become one of the leading disciplines of the social work profession. Currently, medical social work services are provided in a plethora of health care settings, including both inpatient and outpatient settings.

Over time, the medical social work field has evolved and adapted in the face of changing health care policy and reform. Consider managed care, which resulted from the enactment of the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 as a means of containing health care costs in the United States. Managed care affected medical social work and influenced the delivery of health care services provided by medical social workers.

To prepare for this Discussion, review this week’s resources including the web article titled, “Pioneering a Profession: A History of Social Work Innovation at the MGH, 1905–2005.” Consider how individuals and events have shaped the medical social work profession. Think about the health care delivery systems in the United States and their impact on the profession. Finally, consider the future of the profession.

Post a brief description of one major historical event that you believe influenced the medical social work profession. Explain the impact—both positive and negative—of managed care in the evolution of medical social work since the emergence of managed care in the 1980s. Take a position and provide specific examples to support your position. Briefly describe current issues—the challenges and the opportunities for the medical social work profession. Select one current issue that you think is important or challenging for this profession. Explain why. Provide a future perspective of this profession with regard to leadership and advocacy for patient care and well-being. Justify your response with scholarly resources.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources and the current literature using appropriate APA format and style.Assignment 2: Litigation, Censures, and Fines
I’m studying for my Accounting class and need an explanation.

Research the Internet or Strayer Library for recent litigation, censures, and fines involving national public accounting firms. Examples of litigation cases against national public accounting firms include fines by regulatory authorities and censures by professional societies. To complete Assignment 2, find examples of litigation, censures and fines from within the past two (2) years.

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
Analyze the primary accounting issues which form the crux of the litigation or fine for the firm and indicate the impact to the firm as a result of litigation or fine. Make sure that the examples you provide are from within the last two (2) years. Provide support for your rationale. Examine the key inferences of corporate ethics related to internal controls and accounting principles which lead to the litigation or fine for the accounting firm. Evaluate the primary ethical standards of the accounting organization’s leadership and values that contributed to approval of the accounting issues and thus created the litigation or fines in question. Identify specific conduct violations committed by the organization and accounting firm in question. Next, create an argument supporting the actions against the organization and accounting firm, based on the current professional code of conduct for independent auditors and management accountants. Make a recommendation as to how regulators and professional societies may prevent the type of behavior in question in the future. Provide support for your rationale. Use at least two (2) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. You have access to Strayer University’s Online Library at https://research.strayer.edu or iCampus University Library Research page at https://icampus.strayer.edu/library/research.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Determine the appropriateness of decision making in terms of professional standards and ethics. Apply advanced federal taxation concepts to business situations.i have a assessment
I don’t know how to handle this Computer Science question and need guidance.


i have a paper 3 page and i need help with it . see the attached file for more information

thank you800 word paper on Web Censoring Methods​ or Web Censoring Methods​ – APA format: nursing coursework help
Can you help me understand this Computer Science question?

Your choice of 2 options -Web Censoring Methods or Web Censoring Methods Must be in APA format

Requirements –

The essay option requires a minimum of 800 words and no more than 1000 words of content. Include APA standards for style, citations, references, and format. Be sure to include a title page with your name and the name of the essay. Please refer to our APA Manual or visit the Purdue Owl website at: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ for assistance with APA formatting and style guidelines.

Whether you choose the video option or the essay option, you must use at least four (4) sources from professional websites or scholarly journals. Some examples include www.sans.org, www.wired.com, www.cert.org, and www.nsa.gov. You may not use Wikipedia, ask.com, or other related dictionary sites. All sources must be cited within the text or mentioned within the video presentation according to APA guidelines and must appear at the end of your essay on a separate Reference List page or on the last page of your Power Point presentation.

Answer ONE of the analysis options below.

Option 1: Web Censoring Methods
Analyze the technical methods governments use to censor (such as censorware) and filter Web sites. Pick 2 different countries and analyze the government’s success with web censoring. Why or why is it not successful? Do you personally feel governments should place controls on their citizen’s use of certain Web sites? Why or why not?
Options 2: International Cybercrime
Research a recent article on international cybercrime (such as Eastern European Net gangs blackmailing sites, or International Nigerian 411 scams, etc). Summarize the main points of the article. Have countries been able to put a dent in this type of international cybercrime, or is it out-of-control? Why is it difficult to control? If you were a security manager, what are some of the technical and legal methods you could use to mitigate this type of crime?

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