Please watch the following tedtalk.

Please watch the following tedtalk.

Even if you personally do not procrastinate you will as a manager have to deal with procrastinators and thus this may interest you in how to deal with procrastinators. IF you are a procrastinator you will recognize that you are not alone (and hopefully will find some comfort in this, and also how to be able to overcome some of your procrastinating habits.
Write a discussion post regarding the topic (personal or work-related, minimum of 100 words, with 3 sources) and the video, and then respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts with one (1) source for each reply.
Remember, this is to help you understand the topic of procrastination and know how to deal with procrastinators. NOT, to label or discriminate against procrastinators.
Remember, always be positive and encouraging with your responding posts.

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