Please read the scenario below, and then answer the questions that follow in a 3

Please read the scenario below, and then answer the questions that follow in a 3-page summary. The questions will guide your analysis of the situation, but they need to be presented as part of a summary on hypothesis testing, with 2 samples.
Watch the following video, and then answer the questions below (Wiseman, 2014):

The chart is used to visually present relationships between what variables?
A correlation analysis measures the strength of what variables?
A correlation analysis is concerned with the strength of the relationship between what variables?
If the plotted intersections between variables are tight, what does that indicate about the relationship between the variables?
If the plotted intersections between variables are in a flat, horizontal line, what does that mean about the relationship between variables?
The sample correlation coefficient r is used to measure what aspect of the linear relationship?
What range does the sample correlation between coefficient r ranges indicate?
For a perfectly negative relationship (for every one unit increase in x, you have one unit of decrease in y), what is the sample correlation coefficient r equal to?

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