Please read the following article: Ethical Issues in Online Psychotherapy: A Nar

Please read the following article: Ethical Issues in Online Psychotherapy: A Narrative Review, by Stoll et al., 2020, and answer the following questions:
What has been your experience thus far with the utilization of telehealth/tele-psych, and what is your comfort level with its use?
Do you feel there are other pros and cons regarding online psychotherapy that were not discussed in this article? (If so, please identify what you feel they are)
Do you feel that online psychotherapy is comparable and as effective to in-person therapy? (describe in what way you feel they are, or are not, comparable)
Do you feel more research is needed in the area of online psychotherapy? (if you answered yes, please describe what you feel is needed in research to further explore this subject)
Ethical Issues in Online Psychotherapy.pdf
Discussion Board Guidelines (1.docx
There is a vast amount of research and information about different subjects and journal clubs are used as a way to share information. Some of you may already belong to a journal/discussion club, it is sometimes used at a conference setting as well. It is an opportunity to share your opinion about a research article by expressing whether it is relevant to your clinical practice, would it be helpful in your practice, or was it off base in regards to clinical practice. The initial posting should be by Wednesday before the deadline of the assignment, which is Sunday, to allow time for your peers to respond and participate in a discussion. Once you post your initial professional opinion about a research article, which is 2-3 paragraphs , then the expectation is to respond to your peer’s postings, to have a discussion about the topic of the research article. You do not need to respond to every posting, just respond at least twice to the thread of discussion. Students have shared clinical experiences as well as other research articles or videos about the subject matter, which are ways to promote the educational information about the subject matter.
“PLEASE PLEASE REMEMBER respond to ME TWO GENERAL as simulating you answer general question or comment to two peer’s to be able to postings, as discussion about the topic of the research article. It’s very important and you not need to have the information from peers do it as general comments please will be fine “

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