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Home » Please read the Cases entitled, “Careers in International Business” found in the

Please read the Cases entitled, “Careers in International Business” found in the

    Please read the Cases entitled, “Careers in International Business” found in the files section of this course. All Cases must be 4-5 pages done in APA format and include the following “Rubric.”
    1. A minimum of 1,000 words with applicable terms and concepts related to the chapters and/or Learning Outcomes
    2. Two recent articles related to the topic included in the REFERENCE Section at the end of your paper and properly cited in APA Format
    3. Two in-text citations including (a) one direct quote from one of you articles (with proper intext APA citation), and (b) one fact from one of your articles (with proper intext APA citation)
    4. A strong personal conclusion in your own words

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