Please gear the Mission Statement or Purpose Principle towards disabled veterans

Please gear the Mission Statement or Purpose Principle towards disabled veterans. Writers Choice.
This assignment is intended to help you learn to do the following develop a professional purpose or mission statement.
Action Items:
(This assignment is modified from the Exercise 6.1 on p. 103 of your textbook.)
Using what you learned from Chapter 6, write your own professional purpose or mission statement.
Practice the Purpose Principle by writing your responses to the following questions as they relate to your professional purpose:
What am I trying to accomplish?
What are the processes or activities involved in the response to a? (Be sure to use an active verb.)
What is the purpose of the response to b?
What is the purpose of the response to c?
What is the purpose of the response to d?
What is your purpose according to your patients, employer, or someone else? (Specify who.)
What larger purpose may eliminate the need to achieve this smaller purpose altogether?

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