Please compose a response to discussion 1 & 2 below: Discussion #1 1. Compare a

Please compose a response to discussion 1 & 2 below:
Discussion #1
1. Compare and contrast the terms population health and public health.
Population health seeks to improve the health in groups of people by recognizing that different factors contribute to produce good or poor health. These factors include education and income, genetics, medical care, housing and environmental exposures (Knickman & Elbel, 2019). Knickman and Ebel define public health as, “what society does collectively to assure the conditions of people to be healthy” (2019). The difference is that population health takes more of a broad approach in tackling health issues while public health is more direct in preventing disease.
1. a. Identify and explain some of the individual and population-based prevention efforts you
have seen in place in your practice and/or community.
I work in a cardiovascular ICU, so we focus heavily on heart health. Some population-based efforts seen in my workplace is addressing sedentary lifestyles. For example, patients in rural areas may not have access to gyms. We can then individualize efforts to increase physical activity to improve their heart health by offering exercise tailored for them. Such as walking to their mailbox 5 times a day to get some steps in.
For population-based prevention, what is the difference between universal and targeted
The difference in universal and targeted strategies in prevention is that targeted strategies do not focus on why an epidemic has occurred or what other determinants have interfered with one’s health. Individual health will hone in on the factors most immediately linked to the disease (Knickman & Elbel, 2019).
2. a. Identify and explain one universal and targeted strategy you have seen in place in your
practice and/or community.
Smoking cessation is another topic heavily discussed with patients to improve their cardiovascular health. A universal strategy seen in smoking prevention is policy changes to influence the way people view tobacco (Knickman & Elbel, 2019). Targeted strategies seen in my work place is behavioral changes such as smoking cessation education and nicotine replacements.
Knickman, J., & Elbel, B. (2019). Jonas and Kovner’s Health Care Delivery in the United States. Springer Publishing.
Discussion #2-
1. Compare and contrast the terms population health and public health.
Population health goal is looking into factors that which end in numerous outcomes for different patient groups using an integrative model. With using this model the production of poor or good health is learned and improvements can be suggested. Some of these factors can not be seen; however, are influenced by pathways. Some of the factors contributing to these model are the patients environment, economic & social status, genetics, behaviors in health, and medical care (Knickman et al., 2019).
Public health looks at the community as a whole and how they contribute to the health for the people. The goal of public health is to improve the health of the population in it’s entirety. The community involves the government bodies like the federal and state, different organizations, and the laws and regulations. Regulations are looked into like the environment, economic status, and sanitation. Public health involves the promotion of health behaviors by controlling and proper documentation of diseases that communicable (Knickman et al., 2019).
Identify and explain some of the individual and population-based prevention efforts you have seen in place in your practice and/or community. In my place of employment I have seen individual and population based prevention efforts in the forms of disease management and prevention to ensure the patient maintains a healthy lifestyle. Some of the education can include diabetes management, wound care, and hypertension management. Many patients that come to us have been previously diagnosed so we are re-enforcing the education with the patients and families.
For population-based prevention, what is the difference between universal and targeted strategies? Universal strategies are based on a population as a whole, affecting every individual in that population. Targeted strategies focus their intervention on individuals focused on a specific group of individuals depending on income, environment, or status of health.
Identify and explain one universal and targeted strategy you have seen in place in your practice and/or community. One universal strategy I can think of in the communities at this time is the COVID testings. There are many locations within the communities that people can go to obtain a free COVID test. A targeted strategy seen in my work place is offering all patients vaccines like flu, pneumonia, and COVID. This is ultimately a decision that is up to each patient and family member; however, it is offered to them for free because of there health.
Knickman, James, et al. Jonas & Kovner’s Health Care Delivery in the United States. 2019

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