Please complete Subsections 1 and 2 and then subsection 3 and 4. Please look be

Please complete Subsections 1 and 2 and then subsection 3 and 4. Please look below at the requirements for each section of the Dissertation of Practice. I have included the updated DIP manual that the university wants to use to follow setup of paper by proper headings.
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Term 5 Dissertation in Practice Outline
Chapter 1: Study Proposal
Sections 1 & 2 Outline Worksheet
I. Positioning Your Study as an Action Research Study (1/2-1 page)
a. What type of action research is your study? (participatory, practical, community-
based, collaborative, youth, emancipatory, critical)
b. How do you define this type of action research?
i. Write a definition and add related quotes with page numbers from sources
on Action Research Methodology (Mertler, Creswell & Gutterman, Hesse-
c. Why did you choose this type?
i. Personal Appeal (Explain epistemology, ontology, methodology, methods,
phenomenological, ethnographic, postmodern, or critical etc. and support
with citations.)
ii. Appropriateness of Type to Study Design (Why does this type align with
your problem of practice and study goal? How does the literature support
your claim that this is the best way to conduct your study? Why does this
type match how you will collect and analyze your data? Add citations.)
II. Site or Population Selection (1/2-1 page)
a. What is the organization at the center of the study?
i. General Descriiption (What is the organization size? Where is it located?
How can you describe the surrounding community? What are the
organization’s goals? Add in-text citations and resources to the refence
ii. Important Distinguishing Elements Related to the Study Purpose
iii. Relevant Organization History (Think about reforms, incidents, economic
trends, and policy changes. Add in-text citations and resources to the
refence list.)
iv. Rationale for Organization Choice (Add in-text citations and resources to
the refence list.)
b. How do you describe the specific setting within the organization that will be the
study location? (If applicable.)
i. General Descriiption of department etc. (Add in-text citations and
resources to the refence list.)
ii. Important Distinguishing Elements Related to the Study Purpose
iii. Rationale for Location Choice (Add in-text citations and resources to the
refence list.)
c. How do you describe the study participants?
i. General Descriiption with Specific Demographics (Add in-text citations
and resources to the refence list.) These are the members of this
organization that you will be working with.
ii. Important Distinguishing Elements Related to the Study Purpose
iii. Rationale for Population Decisions (Add in-text citations and resources to
the refence list.)
iv. Optional Table
Requirements for Subsection 3 and 4 Below:
Term 5 Dissertation in Practice Outline
Chapter 1: Study Proposal
Sections 3 & 4 Outline Worksheet
Consider the questions listed under each category. You do not have to answer each question.
Choose to answer the ones that you think will best explain your own positionality and the ethical
issues regarding the study. These questions are designed to help you think about what to include
in these subsections rather than to be a list you must go through one at a time and provide
I. Researcher role & positionality (1/2 – 1 page)
a. Access
i. What access do you currently have to the site?
ii. What additional access do you need to establish?
iii. Whose permission do you need to obtain to complete the study on site?
b. Influence
i. What is your role within the organization and what power does that give
ii. How might your position influence the responses of your participants and
how can you overcome problems related to your level of influence?
c. Participatory roles
i. As the researcher, what roles will you play?
ii. As the researcher, what actions will you take?
iii. How will you acknowledge your dual role as both a researcher and a
d. Reciprocity
i. What will you take from your participants? (kinds of information for
ii. What will you give your participants? (findings of the study that could be
beneficial for example)
iii. How is this a fair exchange?
e. Trust
i. What type of relationship do you now have with the participants and those
on site?
ii. How might that relationship contribute to establishing trust?
f. Rapport
i. What type of relationship do you now have with the participants and those
on site and how might that contribute to building rapport?
ii. How are you going to maintain rapport with the study participants and
those on site as the study proceeds?
II. Ethical & political considerations (1/2-1 page)
a. The study
i. What ethical and political considerations might affect your study?
ii. How can you ensure the integrity of your study?
iii. How can you maintain a position of openness and transparency?
iv. How will you use the study results in an ethical way?
v. How will you use consent methods fairly?
b. Treatment of the Participants
i. How can you show respect for the site and the participants?
ii. What steps can you take that will prevent participants from experiencing
negative effects from the study?
iii. How can you maintain caring relationships with the participants?
iv. How will you maintain a shared commitment to the study purpose with the
v. How can you keep the best interests of the site participants in the forefront
of the study?
vi. How can you involve participants collaboratively?
I have attached a file from my Professor with components of Subsection 1 and 2 that you can utilize as you begin developing that section. I do have the research goals listed for this action research project in that file. Please clean up and improve Subsection 1 and 2 and follow requirements for Subsection 3 and 4.
Place of organization is Euclid City School District in Ohio
Focus is online instruction for math grades 6-8

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