Plans for the Future of My Daughter, Audrey

As a parent, either a mother or father, we have always wanted the best for our children. We worry about whether we are setting a good example. I’ve always wanted and aimed for what’s best for my daughter, Audrey. The same way that I want the best for my daughter, I want other parents to want the best for their children. Parents want to be able to know that their children will be somebody in life and that all begins with a child’s education.
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Texas has been the national leader in so many categories. We are number 1 in the nation for jobs, for energy production, and for exports. Nonetheless Texas has earned a C- and ranks 39th in the nation, according to Education Week. It’s been reported that “52% of 3 & 4 year olds in the state are not in school.” It was also reported that “Hispanics have the lowest rate of 4 year olds enrolled in preschool at 39% meanwhile, about half of black, white and Asian 4 year-olds were enrolled.

”(Education Week) It is now time for Texas to become number one in the nation in educating our children.
My plan for Texas is to improve education from the earliest years where a child’s learning foundation is crucial. “Prekindergarten (pre-k) and elementary grades K-3rd play a critical role in a child’s educational development. This is the period during which gaps that develop prior to a child starting kindergarten are either solidified or eliminated.”(Educating Texans) The best thing for Texas would be to implement my Educating Texans plan.
Reading, is one of the most important academic skills that a child can acquire. It becomes the foundation on which all other learning is built on. Without adept reading any other learning becomes useless. Because some children are reading at a level that is unsatisfactory in their grade level it is best to invite “well trained specialist literacy teachers, who have access to a wide range of educational support and training,” to come into K-3 classroom teach along with the existing staff so that they can immediately apply into their own classrooms.
Another basic foundation that my education plan covers is prekindergarten classes. Houston is one of the districts is in Texas that offer Pre K to our children. Other districts aren’t required to have prek classes because it is undetermined if prek programs provide lasting results. “However, some studies have shown that high quality Pre-K programs can have measurable benefits.”(Education Policy Proposal) My plan will provide funding to any state funded Pre-K program that adopts the Gold Standard Plan, which requires Pre-K programs to adopt the most rigorous of the already existing Pre-K instruction guidelines. Teachers and staff then must develop a way to include and engage families and increase active parental involvement in their child’s education. It’s effectiveness must also be tested and shared with parents, teachers, school districts and the TEA.(Education Policy Proposal)
Although the Gold Standard plan might requires testing to see the lasting effects of this program. There are three different types of test Direct Assessments, norm referenced standardized tests, Observation Checklists and Scales, and a Child’s Work (Portfolio). Not all of all these test will be administered other states choose 1 or 2 of these test. It sounds like I want to impose more test on 4 year old but as a parent I would prefer my child to be tested and prepared for the upcoming obstacles than for them to pay later because of my inadequate judgment on petty things like test.
As parents we all desire the best for all our children. For them to have the best education that is in the grasp of our hands and I want to be able to give that to every parent in Texas. My plan however doesn’t stop there on education it also covers the high school and the college stages if they choose to pursue higher education.

Charlotte Watts


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