PJM380 (MOD2 Peer Discussion Response 200 Words Each)

I’m studying for my Management class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Please reply to both POST1 and POST2 in at least 200 words each.

It should be noted that POST1 and POST2 include the professor comments and what he thought of POST1 and POST2. This could prove helpful when forming your response.


“NPV can recognize the time value of money” (Panova, 2018). Net Present Value is future cash flows discounted by the initial investment. Cash flows occur at regular intervals (although periods may be different) and may vary in amount (Frye, 2017). While projects in the early stages may have negative outflow, if successful, outflow will turn positive.

The formula to determine net present value is as follows: NPV=(cashflows)/(1+r)i.

Determining the discounted cash flow and net present value of a potential project is critical in project management. According to Panova (2018), “the assessment of the construction risks is considered as a prerequisite for their mitigation. For the estimation of those risks, one of the most important capital-budgeting models is applied, for example, net present value (NPV)” and discounted cash flow (DCF).

Once the discounted cash flow is assessed, an organization can subtract their initial investment amount from the discounted cash flow to calculate the net present value of the project and determine its profitability.

The following steps will assist with creating an excel worksheet to calculate NPV:

1. First open a new excel worksheet2. Column A, row 1 – name cell: Rate of Return3. In column B, row 1 insert the determined rate and change the number format to percentage4. Column A, row 2 name cell “period”5. Column B, row 2, name cell “cash flow”6. Column A, row 3, name cell “0” – the initial investment cost7. Column A row 4, name “1” – the 1st cash flow amount8. Column A, row 5, name “2” – the 2nd cash flow amount9. Column A, row 6, name “3” – the 3rd cash flow amount*10. Proceed to input initial investment cost into cell Column B, row 3. Input dollar amount with a (-) and change number format to accounting11. Input 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cash flow amounts into column B, row 4, 5, and 6, changing number format to accounting12. Column A, row 7, name NPV13. Column B, row 7, input following:=NPV(B1,B4:B6)+B3Press enter

You can also think about it like:=NPV(rate of return, 1st-3rd cash flows)+initial investment

*number of periods is determined by the projected cash flow and can vary

For example, a NPV problem covered in a previous course asked to determine the NPV of a five year construction project with an initial investment of $50,00 a projected net cash flow of $25,000, $35,000, $45,000, $20,000, and $15,000. The required rate of return in 20%. Using the above steps, the following excel spreadsheet was created.

Rate 20.00%

Period Cash Flow0 $(50,000.00)1 $25,000.00 2 $35,000.00 3 $45,000.00 4 $20,000.00 5 $15,000.00

NPV $36,853.78

Frye, C. (2017). Introduce Net Present Value and Rate of Return. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/learning/excel-analyzing-and-visualizing-cash-flows/introduce-net-present-value-and-internal-rate-of-return?u=2245842 (Links to an external site.)

Panova, Y., & Hilletofth, P. (2018). Managing supply chain risks and delays in construction project. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 118(7), 1413–1431. https://doi.org/10.1108/IMDS-09-2017-0422

Professors response to post1


Your review of net present value is right on the money. Of all the economic models we use in the process of determining the efficacy of a candidate project it seems the first stop is NPV. I agree with this as our desire is to know and understand which project will turn us the best outcome. NPV will give us that understanding. Even if all the projects we are considering render a positive NPV, our question is which gives us the best outcome.


Net Present Value (NPV) is used in determining the value of money in the future (a set number of years) to the value of money today. Read any article on NPV and you are likely to see some accompanying phrase like “a dollar today is more valuable than a dollar in the future.” The reason for this is because the money an organization has available (liquidity) today can be put to immediate use in generating more money. Additionally, as goods and services increase in price due to inflation, year after year, the value of money (buying power) is reduced (Martinelli & Milosevich, 2016).

To determine if a particular project makes financial sense for an organization to undertake, one might use an NPV calculation. The Excel spreadsheet I have attached shows the short way to calculate NPV (highlighted in yellow) and the long way to calculate NPV (highlighted in light blue). I believe using both methods is a great way to ensure the calculations are correct.

Stice and Stice (2015), in their video presentation on “The net present value (NPV) method”, identified five steps in calculating the NPV:
Determine the expected cash flow and the timing of each cash flow. (This is an estimation/assumptions on the amount of money either coming in or out of the investment over a set number of years. This step requires experience and sound judgment in estimating potential project returns) Evaluate the risk of the cash flows to determine the discount rate (Many organizations will already have a required rate of return, also known as the hurdle rate, established for estimators and project managers to use) Calculate present values for all expected cash inflows and outflows (Referring to the Excel attachment, divide the cashflow by 1+hurdle rate and the year the cash flow is expected in; example: [20,000/(1+.20)^4]) Subtract the total present value of cash inflows by the present value of the cash outflows (Taking the total discounted cashflow and subtracting any cash outflows and the initial investment = NPV) Decide whether to undertake the investment (if the NPV shows a positive or zero than the project is considered acceptable from a financial standpoint, meaning the earnings gained by the project exceeds the cost in present dollars)
While the project may have a positive Net Present Value, a quantitative analysis should not be the sole deciding factor in determining whether a project is acceptable. Evaluating the viability of any project should also take into account the qualitative factors and organizational goals.

Martinelli, R. J., & Milosevich, D. Z. (2016). Project management toolbox: Tools and techniques for the practicing project manager (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Stice, J. D., & Stice, E. K. (2015, September 8). The net present value (NPV) method [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/learning/accounting-foundations-managerial-accounting/the-net-present-value-npv-method?u=2245842.

Professors response to POST2


Looks to me like your did a great job of determining where this candidate project might come up in the future point. If it is a positive return you will accept the project as a viable job for the company. I am agreeing. I like the approach that you took to calculate the NPV. Is this the approach you see where you work, or did this come from the LI video?

Either way, the NPV is a great way to determine the economic value of the project. When we recommend to our company the projects we would think viable and positive for engaging, NPV is one of our tools. The IRR and Payback Period will also be required.Quiz – Factors that affect CI width
I’m working on a Statistics question and need guidance to help me study.

Calculate the margin-of-error for a 2SD confidence interval. Round to two decimal places.

Calculate the lower bound of your 2SD confidence interval using the MOE from the previous question. Round to 2 decimal places.

Calculate the upper bound of a 2SD CI using the MOE from the first question. Round to 2 decimal places.

Could the theory based approach be used to calculate a CI for this data?

Yes, because there are at least 10 successes and failures.

Yes, because the sample size is greater than 20 and the data is not too strongly skewed.

I don’t know but this might be the right answer.

There is not enough information to answer this question.

Without recalculating the CI, if the sample size were smaller than n = 286, would the width of the CI become wider, narrower, or remain the same?
Group of answer choices
The width of the CI will remain the same.

The width of the CI will become narrower.

The width of the CI will become wider.

Without recalculating and using the original sample size of n = 286, if the confidence level were increased from 95% to 99.9%, would the width of the interval become wider, narrower, or remain the same?
Group of answer choices
The width of the CI will become narrower.

The width of the CI will become wider.

The width of the CI will remain the same.

Suppose Bobby Bashful conducts the same study but with a sample size of n=185. He calculates a 99.9% CI for the mean hours spent watching Netflix for Joliet, IL residents to be (4.38, 6.12). Is it possible that


Group of answer choices


Not enough information.

Use the same CI as in the previous problem, a 99.9% CI for the mean hours spent watching Netflix for Joliet, IL residents is (4.38, 6.12). Does this interval contain

Group of answer choices



Assume that a 99.9% CI for the mean hours spent watching Netflix for Joliet, IL residents is (4.38, 6.12). Which of the following are plausible values for

? Mark all that apply.
Group of answer choices

4.22 hours

5.92 hours

5.54 hoursWeek 6: DB 1 Evidence Charting – Week 6 DB Group 1: nursing coursework help
I’m studying and need help with a English question to help me learn.

This assignment is to help you organize evidence from the readings. You will log your evidence on a Google Doc that I have created. In order to see the link for your group’s Google Doc, click to see the first post. The first post is from me and has your link on it.

Do NOT respond to this DB. Instead, type your response directly onto the Google Doc. I have only used this DB function for groups. It is not to post your ideas here in the DB; post on Google. Message me if you have questions, and thank you!Week 6: Reflection on Orientation to Library Research: nursing essay help
I’m studying for my English class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Compose one paragraph to reflect on what you gained from either the live library session or the video series. Follow these guidelines:
In your topic sentence, state whether you attended the live Zoom session with Professor Boyd or watch the videos. In the next sentence, state the number of key takeaways you had. In the supporting sentences of your paragraph, expand on at least three main takeaways (or important points, advice, tips, etc.) that you gained. Explain those takeaways and why they were impactful to you.
Be sure to edit your paragraph.Write an essay 4-5 page essay about the TED Talk about workplace stress.
I need support with this English question so I can learn better.

Type this three-four page essay, and use MLA format, 12 point font, Times New Roman font style, double-spacing, and one inch margins. https://www.ted.com/talks/rob_cooke_the_cost_of_wo…
Incorporate examples and quotations from the Ted Talk into your essay, and document any quoted or summarized material from the Ted Talk with an in-text citation (speaker’s last name and time). Example of an in-text citation: (Finley 04:28). Use an organizational pattern to structure your essay. Use transitions to help the reader follow your ideas. MUST BE LENGTH: 1,200-1,400 words (3-4 full pages, not including Works Cited)
Introduction (1 paragraph)
Get the reader’s attention. Identify the speaker and title of the Ted Talk you are analyzing, Identify the speaker’s probable audience. Summarize the speaker’s argument (thesis). In your thesis statement, identify (1) the rhetorical strategies you think the speaker uses to try and convince the audience and (2) your opinion about how effective these strategies are.
Body (3-4 body paragraphs)

Include the following in each body paragraph:
Topic Sentence: State a topic sentence in each body paragraph and identify a rhetorical strategy (persuasive technique) that you think the speaker uses to try and convince the audience. Examples: Draw examples from the Ted Talk that illustrate the rhetorical strategy (persuasive technique) you stated in your topic sentence. Refer to the transcript. Analysis: Explain the intended effect of the rhetorical strategy. To help you develop the analysis, refer to the examples in our practice analysis of “A Guerrilla Gardner in South Central LA,” and use these questions:
Do you think the speaker intended for the rhetorical strategy to appeal to the audience’s interests, senses, emotions, values or logic? How might the rhetorical strategy affect the audience’s interest level, senses, emotions, values or logic? And why might the strategy make the audience react this way? How might the rhetorical strategy get the audience to agree with the speaker’s thesis? How might the audience’s opinions or behavior change as a result of this rhetorical strategy?
Evaluation (optional): You may also add evaluation to your body paragraphs and explain weaknesses with the rhetorical strategy.
Conclusion (1 paragraph)
Summarize your position. Also, you could offer recommendations for alternative ways the speaker could have developed the argument in order to convince the audience more.
Works Cited
On a separate sheet of paper include a works cited page at the end of your essay that lists the Ted Talk you cited.


-1) The essay is controlled by a thesis that responds to the assignment. 2) Each body paragraph is controlled by a topic sentence. 3) A logical organization and transitions are used. 4) The quotations are smoothly incorporated with signal phrases.

-1) The essay demonstrates a solid understanding of the rhetorical strategies. 2) Enough examples from the TED Talk are used in each body paragraph. 3) The examples are specific and clearly illustrate the rhetorical strategy. 4) The analysis is clear and logical and explains in detail the intended effect of the rhetorical strategies on the audience. 5) The introduction and conclusion are well developed.

-1) In-text citations are used to cite all summarized information and any borrowed words from the TED Talk. 2) The Works Cited is accurately formatted and lists the TED Talk you analyzed. 3) The essay is formatted in MLA style.

-1) Grammar and punctuation errors are few and rarely interfere with the clarity of your ideas.

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