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Pillsbury Canada case

    In the Pillsbury Canada case, Pillsbury has been targeting a fairly generic “30’s – 40’s
    mom” segment. Growth is stagnant and Guillen is trying to develop a plan to growsales of refrigerated cookie dough in the Canadian market. Do some research about the brand and answer the following questions:
    1) (8 points) Identify the specific target that you recommend. The case
    discusses usage segments. You can consider these or identify other segments
    that you believe to be relevant. Be sure to discuss the pros and cons of at least
    three possible segments and why you recommend the specific target(s). It should be clear why you are considering these possible targets, what the
    pros and cons are for each, and why you make your specific target
    recommendation. 2) (6 points) Identify the brand positioning, including the Point(s) of Difference
    (POD) and Point(s) of Parity (POP) that you believe are most appropriate for
    your recommended target, providing analysis of why these are appropriate
    for the target. 3) (4 points) Recommend one or more
    “SMART” communication objectives (google it) for the brand
    given your recommended target and the details of the case. Write
    out the specific, complete communication objective(s). 4) (2 points) Recommend either a TV, youtube, or print (i.e., magazine) ad and
    discuss why you think that this is a good match with the specific
    communication objectives and the target. 5) (8 points) Develop a communication brief to guide development of the
    communication. Follow the template presented in class – see PPT slide 9
    (note that your communication objective(s) should be included in the
    communication brief). Please provide a separate communication document
    (such as one that you could present to your agency). Be sure that your plan is internally consistent. The links between the product, target, POP, POD, communication objective(s) and brief should be clear.

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