Pick an example of an important domain of public life from class or from a reput

Pick an example of an important domain of public life from class or from a reputable news source where some kind of AI or computing technology is being used. It could be a new use of AI or one that has been around for years. From a sociotechnical research perspective, what are some of the issues raised when AI becomes an integral part of this domain of public life? How is AI influenced by the societal structures of labor and biases in gender, disability, or age? I want to focus on gender.
You can use: 1. https://www.ladyscience.com/queens-of-code/8qtk4wr1nx5goqusms1qo0pp2mjnrb
2. the attached PDF
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjIISMOA40w
You don’t need to do the reference.

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