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Philosophy of Sport Research Paper

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    Posted By:
    Project Title:
    Philosophy of Sport Research Paper
    Writing Type:
    Project Type:
    12/9/2020 2:11:42 PM
    Due Date:
    12/13/2020 19:00
    Number Of Pages:
    7     Double-spaced (2100 words)
    Number Of Sources:
    Type of Document:
    Research Paper
    Academic Level:
    Citation Style:
    Solution Files(s):
    You (and a partner, if you choose) will research a controversial event or issue related to the philosophy of sport, and write a 7-10-page typed, double-spaced argumentative paper. The paper is due in the last week of the term. “Philosophy of sport”” should be interpreted broadly. You may select from any number of topic areas we cover

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