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Pharmacology homework help

BS7201 Evidence-Based Practice and Career Development
Project proposal pro-forma (2019-20)
The information in this pro forma is suggested and may change according to supervisor´s instructions or project requirements.
1) Title page and personal details
– The title should be no longer than 20 words. It should indicate what the project is aiming to achieve
– Enter your ID, your programme, the module name and the name of your supervisor.
2) Layman abstract
A description of the aim, justification, methodology and expected results of your research project written in a manner that anyone with a good understanding of English, but no specific scientific knowledge can understand (Max 200 words)
3) Background information
Literature review (80%)~2000 words
• Background area and scope to survey
• Define subject
• Identify and critically evaluate key published work and develop rationale for your study
• Link between concepts
• What information is missing?
• What is your research question?
• Include relevant data (graphs /tables) from key work or maybe preliminary work if you can get it
• Hypothesis
• Significance
4) Aims
Aims: 1 general and several specific that link each part of the project to be carried out)
5) Methods and experimental design
Methodology (20%) ~800 words
The main focus should be on presenting the logical sequence of experiments that you are proposing to conduct in order to achieve the goals that you have set. You should explain number and type of subjects/animals you will use and the conditions of the experiments. The sequence of experiments does not have to be linear: the experiments could be conducted in a parallel approach, in a branching strategy, in a ‘if this then that’ approach etc. etc.. You should refer to a Gantt chart describing how the project could be accomplished in in the time allocated. The methods to be used should be explained in sufficient details to determine whether they would be suitable for the task you are proposing. You do not need to include the same level of details expected in a research paper/report.
• Size of samples
• Sample collection or preparation
• Sample size and plans to reduce bias such as blinding randomisation or a justification of why this is not possible
• Choice of variables and controls
• What statistical tests may be used and why
• Mention deficiencies in methods
• Explain how are results going to be disseminated
• Explain potential opportunities for pursuing commercialisation
6) References
Reference must be presented in the Harvard style. Refer to Cite it Right for details.
7) Appendices Ethics and Health and Safety
If your project requires ethical approval state what key considerations will have to be made to ensure approval from the Ethics Committee. Use and include the UEL specific forms.
Complete and include the provided risk assessment form.
Include any relevant or preliminary data.

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