Outdoor Experience Descriiption – Detail a real or imaginary experience walking

Outdoor Experience Descriiption – Detail a real or imaginary experience walking through an outdoor event or activity, such as a zoo, open-air market, festival, etc.
You only need to develop one paragraph for this assignment, but it should include many sensory details and directional transitions.
Start with a topic sentence, which will also serve as the thesis statement, that explains the exhibition you are experiencing as well as mentions how the adventure ignites your senses.
In the sentences following, describe your journey. What do you see? Hear? Feel? Smell? Taste? Where are these experiences located (directional transitions)? To the right? Just above? The reader should be able to build the environment around you and take part in the sensory experience you illustrate as he or she reads along, so be as descriiptive as necessary, touching upon all five senses within the body paragraph.
Finally, complete your paragraph with a concluding sentence that summarizes your outing, and make sure it has a point! In other words, what did you take away from this excursion?
Sample first sentence or thesis statement: As I walk toward the Brookfield Zoo entrance gate for my first zoo experience, I notice a flurry of lively activity in front of me, so on my way to the gorilla den, I can feel my excitement building, and as I get closer, the sounds and smells strengthen, making the chill of my cold beverage much more apparent; I hope I am ready for this.
Format Requirements:
Heading: Include a heading in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information:
Your first and last name
Course Title (Composition I) & Draft #
Assignment name (Descriiptive Paragraph)
Current Date
Page Layout:
MLA style documentation (please see the tutorial in the course topic)
Last name and page number in upper-right corner of each page as a header
Double-spacing throughout
Title, centered after heading (Title should be more creative than “Descriiptive Paragraph.”)
Standard font (Times New Roman or Calibri)
1″ margins on all sides
Save the file as .docx or .doc format
Length: This assignment should be at least 15 sentences in a single paragraph.
Underline your thesis statement of the “point” of the paragraph.

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