Othello Essay 5

Question Description

Iago is arguably the mostinteresting character in the play. For this paper, analyze his motives(passionate) for doing what he does to Othello and to the othercharacters in the play. Is it thwarted ambition, sexual jealousy, orpure spite? Does he articulate a clear philosophy to explain hisbehavior (what does he mean when he says “I am not what I am”)? Doesclass identity play a part in his cynicism?

Love and Passions topics

4-5 pages

Othello, William Shakespeare

Ifyou can relate something of Othello and Vita Nuova from Dante will bepretty nice, just two or 3 sentences related to that in the essay willbe fine.

MLA format. No citation is needed. References you can use Vita Nuova by Dante Alighieri, but that is all.

Please do not write this as a summary of the story, but address each question with critical thinking.

Also, if you can please relate something of Othello and Vita Nuova from Dante.

Thank you.

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