Organization In module one, students should have identified a healthcare organiz

In module one, students should have identified a healthcare organization and had an administrator approved to interview. If not, please contact your instructor to determine the organization and administrator that has been approved for the Capstone Project.
Students should develop 10 to 15 interview questions. The goal of the interview is to learn about a small-scale healthcare problem that can be addressed within the timeframe of the Capstone course. The healthcare problem should be an issue that the healthcare administrator would like the student’s assistance in addressing and an issue that a student’s research can potentially be impactful for the organization. The topics may include but are not limited to the following categories:
Change Management
Strategic Planning
Human Resources
Customer Service
Operations Management
Financial Management
Project Management
Global Healthcare
Quality Management
Type of Questions
The interview questions should address the following components.
Administrator’s position within the organization, including a descriiption of responsibilities
Areas of struggle, for the organization, that the student could potentially address
Information related to the problem that would assist the administrator’s role in the organization issue
Examples of areas where the administrator would like to learn more about best practices or lesson learned by other organizations
The goal of the project, per the administrator
Ethical implications if this issue is not addressed and the ethical guidelines surrounding this particular issue
Students should use the following format for their interview questions.
List the question.
Use professional language.
Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Categorize the questions in groups to ask all questions about a similar topic at one time.

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