Organisational Behaviour: Intensification of Work- Increasing Changes in Content & Organisation- Research Essay Writing Assignment

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Research Essay Writing Assignment:

Task: You are required to write an essay on this topic.

In recent decades, increasing changes in the content and organisation of work have resulted in an intensification of work, which is regarded as a cause of stress. What are the effects of this job stress, in particular, on job satisfaction? And how can these effects be prevented?


This is an academic research essay. Academic journal articles should be your primary resource. You are required to critically consider the essay topic and find supportive evidence for your answer. In answering the topic, you must:

1. use at least of six (6) academic sources. These may be journal articles and/or textbooks. Do not use any unreliable material sourced from the Internet. It is important that you use academic references, such as scholarly peer-reviewed articles, as distinct from journalistic and industrial accounts;

2. use correct and consistent Harvard System referencing techniques with link URL;

3. not include long direct quotes from your sources;

4. in-text reference the ideas you have taken from your sources;

5. word process your essay with left alignment using the font Times New Roman and size 12 with 1½ line spacing;

6. use a professional standard of English, free from grammatical and spelling errors; and

7. display the word count at the end of the essay, that is, before your reference list.

Uploaded By : jack
Posted on : April 05th, 2018
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