Option #1: Tongo Eisen-Martin’s poem, “the course of meal” Option #2: Morgan Par

Option #1: Tongo Eisen-Martin’s poem, “the course of meal”
Option #2: Morgan Parker’s poem, “ALL THEY WANT IS MY MONEY MY PUSSY MY BLOOD”
Option #3: Sara Borjas’s poem, “Pocha Cafe”
Now that you have read the poems and watched the videos by all three poets, please select ONE poem (either option #1 “the course of meal” by Tongo Eisen-Martin OR option #2 “ALL THEY WANT” by Morgan Parker OR option #3 “Pocha Cafe” by Sara Borjas) to discuss in your post.
In your post, reflect on the poem you have chosen. I’m leaving what you discuss entirely up to you, but you could consider:
analyzing the overall meaning of the poem (i.e. giving your original interpretation–don’t worry about whether your interpretation is “correct”)
describing how the poem made you feel (i.e. your emotional response)
describing the poet’s “style”–what makes their language feel contemporary? how does poetry written today sound and/or feel different from the older works we’ve studied this semester?
the poem’s relevance to social or political issues affecting today’s world (i.e. the question of how the poet is using language to shape/change the world)

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