Old Gold Cigarettes Advertising Techniques

All people give in to the forces of advertising at one point in their lives. Some people may succumb to advertisements as a general rule and others for the most part trust that ads have no impact on them. Regardless of whether we are babies, adolescents or grown-ups, rich or poor, solid willed or feeble, we have all felt the forces of ads. Advertising organizations accomplish this task through their utilization of weasel words, brilliant hues, snappy mottos and a feeling of being a piece of society.
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In “With These Words,” William Lutz expounds on weasel words to indicate how sponsors utilize these weasel words to influence the user into a misguided sensation that all is well and that the product works to the consumer’s satisfaction. The 1920’s “Old Gold” advertisement used these strategies so as to allure buyers to buy their Old Gold cigarettes.
One basic component of advertising techniques is catching the watchers’ consideration and influencing them to recall the item subsequent to viewing the commercial.

Without achieving these tasks, the business is pointless paying little heed to the nature of the item. One method for acquiring watchers’ consideration is to stir their interest toward the start of the advertisement. One of the techniques used in Old Gold cigarettes was color. The words that pop out on the advertisement read “Old Gold” which stand out as big bold red letters written on a yellow cigarettes pack. The image or creativity of the advertisement brings people a positive outlook, or how we call it today “vibe”.

The Old Gold cigarettes commercial looked so classy, fun and optimistic. It made viewers intrigued and drives them to continue viewing the ad. The dancing cigarette boxes have people interested and all their attention on screen. Slogans in advertisements help watchers remember the items. They play a key diversion; over the long haul, great slogans play with the consumer’s mind influencing him to trust that your item is solid. Old Gold used slogans such as; “Ask your dentist why Old Golds are better for the teeth.”, “If you want a treat instead of a treatment”, “We’re tobacco men…not medicine men.” (Jackler) Presently when somebody will consider purchasing cigarettes, the person will recall the trademark and consider Old Gold cigarettes.
Old Gold used famous baseball player Babe Ruth to advertise their cigarettes. (Stanford) Old Gold also used a television series called “Mad Men” episode “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes,” to show Don Draper speaking with a waiter who says he favours Old Gold cigarettes. (Wikipedia) This technique is referred as celebrity endorsements; the ad used the athlete to advertise their product so people can follow him and purchase the product. Babe Ruth advertised the Old Gold cigarettes making it seem that it is a good product forcing consumers to buy it.
Not to feel confined, you are forced to obtain the product too because it’s such a big deal in society giving a feeling of rapture knowing that you can purchase a specific item despite the fact that you cannot really bear the cost of the item. This technique works because individuals like to see a recognizable face on items. Also, individuals like to resemble the VIPs. The stars’ distinction and examples of overcoming adversity are motivations to a number of their fans. Therefore, some endeavor to experience their ways of life or even endeavor to modify their physical looks just to seem even remotely near the star. A lot of fans trust that if their favorite stars favor the product, then they would highly purchase the product.
In 1955, wellbeing claims were a critical part of cigarette publicizing. The advertisements get peoples attention by taking into account the people in their products. Old Gold joined health claims in their promoting in the 1920’s. (Ringold) Lorillard’s Old Gold asked…’Why Risk Sore Throats?’ when Old Gold guaranteed ‘Not A Cough In A Carload’. Most people don’t really care about the problems from smoking, so side effects didn’t stop them. As we know Babe Ruth later died from throat cancer, which was caused by cigarettes.

Naomi Moody


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