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NR101 TRANSITIONS IN NURSING – Transitions Paper Assignment Guidelines

NR101 TRANSITIONS IN NURSING – Transitions Paper Assignment Guidelines
Complete a rough draft of the transitions paper and then the actual paper. The guidelines for this paper are in the attached paper (NR101_Transitions_Paper_Guidelines). You can use the library website ( to research your articles. This paper needs to be in APA format. You can use your APA manual for assistance. I have also created an APA files folder with some resources. In addition, the Purdue Owl website for APA is a great resource too:
NR101 TRANSITIONS IN NURSING – Transitions Paper Assignment Guidelines
The purpose of this assignment is to explore a critical concept in nursing. The student will be able
to demonstrate application of information literacy and ability to utilize resources (library, writing
center, SmartThinking, located within the Tutor Source tab under Course Home, APA resources,
Turnitin, and others) through literature search and writing the paper.
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
CO 2: Identify characteristics of professional behavior including emotional intelligence,
Communication, and conflict resolution.
CO 3: Demonstrate information literacy and the ability to utilize resources.
Please refer to the Course Calendar for exact due dates of the draft for peer feedback exercise
and for the final paper.
Pick one of the following topics and find a scholarly nursing journal article (published within the last
five years) that discusses this nursing topic. The topics are
 safety;
 delegation;
 prioritization; and
 caring.
After you find a scholarly nursing journal article using the Chamberlain library resources, you will
complete a one-two page summary and reflection on the article. The paper should be completed in
APA format and include the following.
 A cover page (not included in the page number requirement)
 A reference page (not included in the page number requirement)
 One direct quote from one of your references, appropriately cited in the body of your paper
 One indirect quote (or paraphrased reference) appropriately cited in the body of your paper
 Citations and references in APA format
NR101 Transitions Paper 12-7-16 2
Best Practices in Preparing the Paper
Utilize resources available to you to assist with finding appropriate literature and articles from
professional nursing journals relevant to your topic and preparing for and writing the paper (e.g.,
SmartThinking, located within the Tutor Source tab under Course Home, writing center, Turnitin,
APA manual, and online resources).
The grading rubric will help you understand how your faculty will be evaluating your paper. Use it
as a checklist to make sure that you have included all the important elements.
Grading Criteria for Transitions Paper Assignment
Category Points % Description: See Rubric for Details
Introduction 20 13%
 Clearly states the purpose or focus of
paper with conceptual key points to
be discussed and engages the
interest of the reader
Body of Paper 60 40%
 Complete, well-developed discussion
of key points
 Logical development of ideas with
information clear and accurate,
supported by examples from personal
and/or professional experiences
NR101 TRANSITIONS IN NURSING – Transitions Paper Assignment Guidelines
 Perception: Student provides own
perspectives on the topic; reflective
and insightful
Conclusion 30 20%
 Summarizes ideas presented in the
body of paper in a clear and concise
 Provides reader with a thought, idea,
or key message
NR101 Transitions Paper 12-7-16 3
Writing Style, APA
Format, and
40 27%
 Proper grammar and mechanics
 Correct spelling
 APA Format: Margins, font style and
size, spacing, citations, title page, and
reference page
 One direct quote with in-text citation
 One indirect quote with in-text citation
 References from nursing journals
(published within the last five years)
TOTAL 150 100 A quality assignment will meet or exceed all
of the above requirements.
NR101 Transitions Paper 12-7-16 4
Grading Rubric
Outstanding or Highest
Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory
Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or
Unsatisfactory Level of
F (0–75%)
 Introduction of the paper is
clearly presented.
 Introduction clearly establishes
the purpose of the paper and
key points to be discussed.
 The introduction immediately
captures the reader’s interest.
19–20 points
 Introduction of the paper is
clearly presented.
 Introduction presents the
general purpose of the paper
and points to be discussed.
 Introduction is able to gain
general interest of the reader.
17–18 points
 Introduction of the paper is
 Introduction presents the
general purpose of the paper,
but key points are not clearly
 Introduction is able to gain
general interest of the reader.
16 points
 Introduction of the paper is not
clearly presented, irrelevant to
the topic, or is absent.
 Introduction does not present
the purpose of the paper or key
points to be discussed.
 Introduction does not capture
the reader’s interest.
0–15 points
Body of Paper
 Complete, well-developed
discussion of key points
strongly supports the purpose
or main idea of the paper.
 There is logical development of
ideas with clear and accurate
 Ideas and statements are
supported by three or more
examples from personal and/or
professional experiences.
 Perception: Student provides
own perspectives on the topic:
reflective, insightful, and
56–60 points
 Complete discussion of key
points generally supports the
purpose or main idea of the
 There is logical development of
ideas with clear and accurate
 Ideas and statements are
supported by two examples
from personal and/or
professional experiences.
NR101 TRANSITIONS IN NURSING – Transitions Paper Assignment Guidelines
 Perception: Student provides
own perspectives on the topic:
reflective and insightful.
51–55 points
 General discussion of key
points somewhat supports the
purpose or main idea of the
 There is some logical
development of ideas,
somewhat clear information;
some information is inaccurate.
 Ideas and statements are
supported by one example
from personal and/or
professional experiences.
 Perception: Student generally
provides own perspectives on
the topic; somewhat reflective
and insightful.
46–50 points
 There is vague or minimal
discussion of key points, which
does not support the purpose
or main idea of the paper.
 There is poor development of
ideas; information is unclear
and/or inaccurate.
 Ideas or statements are not
supported by examples from
personal and/or professional
 Perception: Student does not
provide own perspectives on
the topic: lacks reflection and
0–45 points
NR101 Transitions Paper 12-7-16 5
 Conclusion of the paper is
clearly and concisely presented.
 Conclusion clearly establishes
key points discussed in the
 The conclusion leaves a strong
impression on the reader
(important thought, idea, or key
28–30 points
 Conclusion of the paper is
clearly and concisely presented.
 Conclusion generally states key
points discussed in the paper.
 The conclusion leaves a general
impression on the reader
(important thought, idea, or key
25–27 points
 Conclusion of the paper is
 Conclusion vaguely states key
points discussed in the paper.
 The conclusion leaves a vague
impression on the reader
(important thought, idea, or key
23–24 points
 Conclusion of the paper is not
clearly presented.
 Conclusion does not present
key points discussed in the
 The conclusion does not leave
an impression on the reader
(important thought, idea, or key
0–22 points
NR101 Transitions Paper 12-7-16 6
Writing Style,
APA Format,
and References
Writing Style
 Paper has correct use of
Standard English grammar,
paragraph, and sentence
 There are no spelling or
typographical errors.
 Paper is clearly organized
around required components.
 Information flows in a logical
sequence that is easy for the
audience to follow.
APA Format and References
 There is correct and appropriate
use of margins, spacing, font,
and headers.
 Document setup includes title
and reference pages in correct
APA format.
 Citation of sources included in
the body of the paper uses
correct APA format for direct
and indirect quotes.
 Sources are cited correctly on
the Reference page. All
elements of each reference are
included in the correct order.
 All information taken from the
source, even if summarized,
must be cited and listed on the
Reference page.
 All sources used are nursing
journals published within the last
five years.
37–40 points
Writing Style
 There are one to three minor
errors in use of Standard
English grammar, paragraph,
and sentence structure.
 There are one to two spelling or
typographical errors.
 Paper is organized and
generally easy to read and
APA Format and References
 There is incorrect format for
any one of the items: margins,
spacing, font, and headers.
 Document setup includes title
and reference pages, with one
to two errors in APA format.
 Citation of sources is included
in the body of the paper for
direct and indirect quotes, with
one to two errors in APA
 Sources are cited on the
Reference page. There are one
to two errors in elements of
each reference.
 All information taken from
source, even if summarized,
must be cited and listed on the
Reference page.
 All sources used are nursing
journals published within the
last five years. NR101 TRANSITIONS IN NURSING – Transitions Paper Assignment Guidelines.
34–36 points
Writing Style
 There is one major error or there
are more than four minor errors
in use of Standard English
grammar, paragraph, and
sentence structure.
 There are three to four spelling
or typographical errors.
 Paper is organized and
generally easy to read and
APA Format and References
 Incorrect format is used for any
two of the items: margins,
spacing, font, and headers.
 Document setup includes title
and reference pages, with three
errors in APA format.
 Citation of sources is included in
the body of the paper for direct
and indirect quotes, with three
errors in APA format.
 Sources are cited on the
Reference page. There are three
errors in elements of each
 Some information taken from
sources (even if summarized) is
not cited and/or listed on the
Reference page.
 Not all sources used are from
nursing journals published
within the last five years.
31–33 points
Writing Style
 Language needs development.
 There are more than four
spelling and/or grammar errors.
 Paper has poorly organized
thoughts and concepts; it is
difficult to follow logic.
APA Format and References
 Incorrect format is used for
three or more of the items:
margins, spacing, font, and
 Document setup includes title
and reference pages, with four
or more errors in APA format.
 Citation of sources is included in
the body of the paper for direct
and indirect quotes, with four or
more errors in APA format.
 Sources are cited on the
Reference page. There are four
or more errors in elements of
each reference.
 Some information taken from
sources (even if summarized) is
not cited and/or listed on the
Reference page.
 Not all sources used are from
nursing journals published
within the last five years.
0–30 points
NR101 Transitions Paper 12-7-16 7
Category Points Comments
Introduction 20
Body of Paper 60
Conclusion 30
Writing Style, APA Format,
and References
NR101 TRANSITIONS IN NURSING – Transitions Paper Assignment Guidelines

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