National Quality Forum Metric Analysis Students will select and evaluate a quali

National Quality Forum Metric Analysis
Students will select and evaluate a quality metric relevant to their practice and describe its usage and
implications. Students will give a 10-minute presentation of their evaluation in a live small-group
discussion and provide feedback on the presentations of others in their group. Final evaluation reports
will be submitted in the form of a brief scholarly essay (200–350 words; note that this is shorter than
usual). Reports are due before the start of Week 10 live session.
Specific instructions are as follow:
• Begin by reading the overview of the Donabedien model for measuring quality of care. This will
define the framework used on the National Quality Forum (NQF) website.
• Visit the NQF website: Activate the pull-down menu on the upper right
side of the page labeled NQF work and select Find Measures.
• Narrow your search by selecting Process, Outcome, or Structure Measures. (These are
described in the Donabedien readings.)
• Enter additional search terms in the Measure Search search bar to focus on a specific topic. For
example, entering “diabetes” or “blood pressure” will find measures relevant to those topics.
• Take some time to explore different possibilities. Click on a metric of interest to read the details.
Once you have selected a metric, write a 200- to 350-word essay that addresses the following:
• Describe why you chose the metric, what the metric measures, how it is calculated (i.e., the
specific formula), and any other relevant details.
• Explain how the data for the metric might be obtained and who is responsible for recording and
reporting it.
• Describe some potential sources of error. How confident are you that the reported metric will
be accurate?
• Speculate as to who is affected by the metric? What action might result if the metric is found to
be higher or lower than average?

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