My Story About Me

After many years of on and off writing I have learned many different things about myself, including strengths, weaknesses, and things I would like to improve on. As a child, I was never good at explaining my ideas clearly and organizing the main ideas for the reader. Also having coherence between and within paragraphs was a struggle. In addition, procrastinating became such a bad habit for me. It is very hard to stop procrastinating everything once you have gotten into the habit of doing it.
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Eventually, it transferred to schoolwork, mainly writing papers. Although I had a tendency to procrastinate my grades always came out to be either an A’s or B’s. So as a grade school student I thought my writing skills were exceptionally great. It was not until I graduated high school that I learned my writing was not as good as I thought it was.
After high school, I decided that I would join the military and become a part of the team which is known as the United States Army.

During this challenging process, I was entering a phase called basic training. During this time you stay up all day and all night while doing a number of either necessary or unnecessary challenging things. In this phase we only had an hour to relax and do what we wanted to do, this time included writing home to family members and other loved ones.
This is when it hit me! I realized my writing was actually horrible! While I was in basic trading I found myself lacking a lot of skills I thought I had.
I became unsure about the spelling of certain words, I could not express my feelings, and I was not able to structure letters properly. This was the lowest point of writing for me. I believe it was due to the fact that I could grab a computer or phone and look up whatever I needed. Growing up with amazing technology was a blessing and a curse all in one. I then seen that I took advantage of spell check, word count as well as punctuation placement. Anything I needed I could simply look it up on the neared search engine, without it I felt like my writing was useless. Instead of using these things to help me improve myself, I used it to prohibit my ability to learn new things. I used it for the moment and forgot it a second later. After this life-changing evaluation,I took it upon myself to better my writing.
Throughout my writing journey, I have learned that writing is not an easy task. It absolutely requires a lot of effort, skills, and critical thinking ability in order to get your point across effectively. That being said I redid my whole writing process.
Which includes better organization, using the internet to help instead of hindering my thought process, and having someone reread my papers.As I wrote several papers last year, I realized that my writing was a work in progress. It required deeper understanding, and time to be put a side so I could concentrate. It took time and effort but as I wrote my final paper, I realized that the time I spent was worth it. It gave me a good understanding on how I have grown as a writer. Even though I still have many other writing elements to improve on, my organization and coherence in my papers have developed tremendously.

Antoinette Colon


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