My First Work Experience

Everyone remembers their first job. It’s a definitive time in your life: it’s a step up from your childhood, and a preview of adulthood. It’s a proud moment, when you are old enough to earn your own money. First job experiences are also formative. Not only do they teach you the value of hard work and money. They increase your self-confidence and self-sufficiency. The process to get this job wasn’t easy.
I first started applying for Hurricane Harbor, which is a water park located in Arlington, Texas, online and then I had to complete a paper copy with all my information including my birth certificate and social security card.
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After, you turned your online application it states you would find out if you received the job by getting an email to make an appointment time for your interview. A few weeks later I was sitting in front of one of the employees. I was very nervous, but I had confidence that I knew the answers to the questions they were going to ask.

After, the interview I was smiling as I left the building, because I felt like I did a good job. A month later I had received another email confirming that I was now a Hurricane Harbor Employee.
To be a certified Hurricane Harbor Employee, you had to go through CPR Training and Ride Operation Training. For 5 Weeks, we had CPR Training practicing CPR on different employees. The reason for the training was just in case something happens with a guest for example they pass out because they are drowning or they pass out because of dehydration.
We had to learn how to work the rides and learn the weight capacity. Later, we had to take a test about each ride and we had to remember the height and length and if they could wear water shoes or not. Two months later we had received our uniforms and ID’S and we were ready to work. Next, I will discuss the pros and cons of the job.
The working environment was unique and friendly, for instance there was no drama or there was nobody that thought they were better than everybody else. The pros about the job was that you could get into the park for free if you brought a friend. Another pro was the discount on food when you were on break. The cons of the job are working in heat for a long amount of time and short breaks and sometimes rude management. Overall, the environment was fun because they had employee parties, and you could go swimming after work.
My first job was a very fun and serious experience, and even though the work was awesome it was a lot of hard work and it taught me how to be independent and how easy it was to communicate with your co-workers. While I wouldn’t call myself the best ride attendant, I was surprised with my customer service skills something I wouldn’t have learned if I hadn’t taken this job.

Hannah Mendoza


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