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Home » More of a breakdown of Why women should avoid having an Abortion. All so you ha

More of a breakdown of Why women should avoid having an Abortion. All so you ha

    More of a breakdown of Why women should avoid having an Abortion. All so you have you the same resources Let’s revisit those sources and put them to the C.R.A.A.P.O.* test! This will help you determine which sources are credible and, consequently, which are the best choices for your essay. Using the provided worksheet, determine whether or not one of the sources you found passes the test.
    By the end of this assignment, you should have at least one source that can be used for your persuasive essay.
    Bayefsky, M. J., Bartz, D., & Watson, K. L. (2020). Abortion during the Covid-19 pandemic—ensuring access to an essential health service. New England Journal of Medicine, 382(19), e47.
    Kjelsvik, M., Sekse, R. J. T., Moi, A. L., Aasen, E. M., Chesla, C. A., & Gjengedal, E. (2018). Women’s experiences when unsure whether to have an abortion in the first trimester. Health care for women international, 39(7), 784-807.

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