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Home » MOCK INTERVIEW SELF REFLECTION Please review your video from the Mock Interview

MOCK INTERVIEW SELF REFLECTION Please review your video from the Mock Interview

    Please review your video from the Mock Interview and critique yourself.  To get full credit, you need to be specific/elaborate and briefly explain how you would improve (if anything)?  This is worth 30 pts/approx 100 words depending on the question. 
    1.    To the extent that you used the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Results), specific example/personal story.  One example required
    Situation/Task:  explain
    Action: explain
    Results: explain
    2.    To the extent that your answers were short and concise, but with enough depth/breadth–sounded natural….not rehearsed.  About 30-75 seconds for each question.
    Overall, seemed prepared. 
    Time question #1: ______
    Time question #2:______
    Time question #3:______
    Time question #4:______
    If you were under time or overtime (give or take) –Please give some insight? 
    3.    You dressed professionally—Business Casual is ok 
    4.    Minimal Fillers;  “like” “um”  “you know” “you know what I mean” “uuhh”?
    5.    Good body language, Non-Verbal Communication, eye contact, smile, voice inflection?
    6.  Was your Elevator pitch approx 30-45 seconds?  Did you have “Who you are, what you do, your passion and call to action”?  Did you stand out—Wow?  How?
    Type your elevator pitch from the one you did verbally in the Mock Interview.

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