Managers And Supervisors For The ANZ Bank – Business Analysis

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Internal Code: IAH 240
Business Analysis:

In a meeting, managers and supervisors for the ANZ Bank, where you work, expressed concerns about employees’ customer service skills. They wonder whether a specific set of procedures should be established – especially for new employees. They have asked you to investigate the customer service practices at other local banks, to determine whether skills should be emphasised and what procedures – if any – should be adopted.


(1) Your business is considering offering child care and/or elder care benefits to its employees. Assess the financial pros and cons of either
type of benefit and offer recommendations

(2) As a newly hired research assistant in the HR department of a large company, you have been asked to determine the best means of hiring
and testing new employees. Consider what other companies similar to yours are doing, assess the positives and negatives of each and offer
recommendations to your department

Uploaded By : celina
Posted on : February 12th, 2018
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