Management homework help

Management homework help. Week 6 Assignment
Project Scope Integration and Lessons Learned Paper
Overview and Rationale
For this assignment, you will provide insights into how scope management is integrated into the overall project planning process to ensure success.  You will also identify scope management best practices and your personal lessons learned.
Program and Course Outcomes
This assignment is directly linked to the following key learning outcomes from the course:

Assess how project Scope Management impacts and integrates with other project planning deliverables

Assignment Instructions and Essential Components
Please prepare a paper 6-7 pages in length that discusses the following:

Scope Integration. Project integration management is the coordination of all elements of a project. For the first section of your paper:

Evaluate this question: “Why is project scope management considered the foundational element of a successful project?”
Explain how project scope management processes and outputs are used by other project management processes (for example: project scheduling, resource allocation, budgeting, risk management and quality management. Note: you’re not limited to the processes listed.)
Give at least one example of a project that successfully integrated its scope with other project management deliverables, and an example of a project that didn’t. (Hint: look at successful and unsuccessful project examples and see how much scope integration was a factor in the project’s success.)

Lessons Learned. For the second section of your paper:

Which of the scope management processes (and the related assignment) in the class seemed easiest for you? Which process and assignment was the most difficult? Why do you think that’s so?
What scope management process(es) do you think is your strength? What process(es) do you think you need to spend more time learning about and practicing?
Identify at least three best practices related to scope management. How will you use these best practices in the future to ensure successful project planning?

Deadline: Week 6 is the last week in this course. Make sue you submit your assignment at 11:59 PM, Thursday, May 14.
Below are some key guidelines you will want to ensure you follow as you write your paper. Think of this short list as a quality control checklist, along with the attached grading rubric.

Paper should be submitted in MS Word or .pdf format
Use double line spacing between paragraphs but 1.5 spacing within the paragraph
Use 12-point Times Roman or Calibri font
Use 1-inch margins
Use footnotes or endnotes and citations using APA format. NOTE: Please provide at least FOUR additional references outside the course materials
Headings and subheadings should use 12-14 point font, bold text
Include at least three scope management best practices

Please be sure to review the attached rubric. Along with these assignment instructions, the rubric will ensure you have a solid understanding of the assignment requirements and how the assignment will be graded.

Assessment Element
Above Standards
Meets Standards
Approaching Standards
Below Standards
Not Evident

Project Scope Integration
Paper demonstrated a superior explanation on how project scope management processes and outputs are used by other project management elements.
Paper demonstrated an adequate explanation on how project scope management processes and outputs are used by other project management elements.
Paper demonstrated a mostly adequate explanation on how project scope management processes and outputs are used by other project management elements.
Improvement required to meet standards.
Paper demonstrated an inadequate explanation on how project scope management processes and outputs are used by other project management elements.
Significant improvements required to meet standards.
The submission fails in a significant manner to capture relevant scope management integration.

Project Scope Lessons Learned
Paper provided an in-depth assessment on why project scope is the foundation element of project success. Provided at least 3 best practices. Assessment of  lessons learned demonstrated superior understanding of effective project scope management and how it can be effectively applied in future projects.
Paper provided an adequate assessment on why project scope is the foundation element of project success. Provided at least 3 best practices.
Assessment of lessons learned demonstrated an adequate understanding of effective project scope management and how it can be effectively applied in future projects.
Paper provided a mostly adequate assessment on why project scope is the foundation element of project success. Provided the 3 required best practices.  Assessment of lessons learned demonstrated a mostly adequate understanding of effective project scope management and how it can be effectively applied in future projects.
Paper provided an inadequate assessment on why project scope is the foundation element of project success. Did not provided at least 3 best practices. Assessment of lessons learned demonstrated an inadequate understanding of effective project scope management and how it can be effectively applied in future projects.
Assignment failed to provide required scope management assessments asked for in the instructions.

Critical Thinking
Professional insights into depth and breadth of assignment – goes WELL beyond assignment requirements regarding scope management lessons learned and effective scope integration with other project planning elements.
Professional insights into depth and breadth of assignment – demonstrated comprehensive understanding of assignment requirements regarding scope management lessons learned and effective scope integration with other project planning elements.
Insights into depth and breadth of assignment – demonstrated a base understanding of assignment requirements regarding scope management lessons learned and effective integration with other project planning elements.
Insights into depth and breadth of assignment – demonstrated a lack of understanding of the assignment requirements regarding scope management lessons learned and effective integration with other project planning elements.
Evidences a poor understanding of the assignment requirements regarding scope management lessons learned and effective integration with other project planning elements.

Grammar and Clarity
All work grammatically correct with no misspellings or grammatical mistakes. Expresses ideas and opinions clearly and concisely in a manner appropriate to the assignment.
All work grammatically correct with rare misspellings.
Minimal errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure and/or other writing conventions but the reader is able to understand what the writer meant.
Frequent errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and/or other writing conventions that distract the reader.
Writing contains numerous errors in spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc. that interfere with comprehension. The reader is unable to understand some of the intended meaning.

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