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Management – Concepts of Retail and Fashion Retail – Retail Theory and Practice Assignment Help

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Concepts of Retail and Fashion Retail – Retail Theory and Practice Assignment
Introduction to retail
. This is to demonstrate to the reader that you have an understanding of the basic concepts of retail and some basic information about fashion retail.

Introduction to the company.  
Clearly identify the chosen fashion retailer, the relative size and position within the market.  The retailer needs to have physical bricks and mortar stores (although they may also have an online presence), the retailers are large and have multiple stores.  (
About 250 words

Key relevant changes within the UK fashion retail.
  Identifying the key relevant changes in the macro-environment.  Conducting a PESTLE analysis would be a good place to start. Any PESTLE analysis table should be put in the appendix. 

Relevant changes within the micro environment.
  Relevant changes within the micro environment, for example competitors with specific examples, also need to be identified and discussed.

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