Can you conceive of that one twenty-four hours you kick your female parent ‘s butt difficult but do non have any reproof, alternatively, she kicks you back? What would you state if citizens admit that they elect president Obama for his fine-looking face, strong stature or smooth black tegument? What would you believe a new survey reported that there was no any love between married twosomes and that they hardly pass on? All of these are in Bradbury ‘s description of Fahrenheit 451 society.
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Yet, this fiction novel really is written base on history. If we look through the history in late fiftiess, Nazis in Germany burned books in public which are described conspicuously in Fahrenheit 451 were true firemen. This epoch besides saw the rise of telecasting ownership and the enlargement of telecasting in the U.S. , which foreshadows the Television parlours that Bradbury imagines in F451 society. Throughout the novel, Bradbury portrays mass media, rigorous censoring and the eternal chase of felicity as a head covering that prevent people in Fahrenheit 451 from developing close, meaningful connexions with each other.
Strict censoring besides has a negative impact on people ‘s societal relationships. In F451 society, everyone strived to be the same to accomplish felicity, and minorities, hence, go their mark to destruct. “ The word ‘intellectual, ‘ of class, became the swear word it deserved to be. You ever dread the unfamiliar. Surely you remember the male child in your ain school category, who was exceptionally ‘bright, ‘ did most of the reciting and replying while the others sat like so many dull graven images, detesting him.
And was n’t it this bright male child you selected for whippings and anguishs after hours ” ( 58 ) . Absolutely, people do n’t desire to experience inferior to those who have read more than they have. And, who knows who might be the mark to the well-read adult male? So people choose to ache others in order to protect themselves. For case, Mrs. Blake reports her neighbour, an old adult female who commits self-destruction to forestall being separated from her books, to firemen for intuition that she might has books in Attic. Mildred and his friends besides report Montag due to illegal books hider in his backyard. To avoid losing everything, Mildred chooses to go forth her hubby, and even leaves place with a bag without stating adieu. The immediateness of pleasance in this bookless society eliminates thought and, with it, the trust between each other.
Last but non the least, Fahrenheit 451 society non merely has abandoned books in favour of hollow frantic amusement and instant satisfaction, but it besides pursues felicity through force. Since “ school is shortened, subject relaxes, doctrines, histories, linguistic communications and any other hard classs are dropped ” to do kids much happier, pupils can non make anything after school. “ They merely can travel to bed or caput for a Fun Park to bully people around, interrupt windowpanes in the Window Smasher topographic point or wreck autos in the Car Wrecker topographic point with the large steel ball. Or travel out in the autos and race on the streets ” ( 30 ) . As Beatty says, unless you cross the line to travel against authorities, there are no effects and no duties, so pupils are permuted to make whatever they want to let go of their defeat in Fahrenheit 451 society. Peoples are softly allowed to contend each other in order to let go of force per unit area. Funerals are eliminated because they are a beginning of sadness ; decease is forgotten every bit shortly as it occurs, and organic structures are “ unceremoniously incinerated ” . Furthermore, in this society, any reading stuff is considered every bit morbid as a cadaver, because they contain dead ideas by dead writers, which might confound people and do them unhappy. In order to guarantee equality and felicity of citizens, authorities destroys cognition and promotes ignorance which besides leads to people ‘s empty lives and hapless relationship.
All in all, Fahrenheit 451 society becomes apathetic and shallow due to the popularity of mass media, authorities ‘s force per unit area and oppressive “ felicity ” . Mindless entertainments deprive people of their leisure clip to believe profoundly. Ignorance so exacerbates the job that people in F451 are kept dark by authorities and hold small existent contact or deep communicating with each other. Even worse, distrust offprints people into two groups: F451 citizens and the Rebels. Books and critical thought, the minorities encouraged, go a direct menace to equality. Violence and pleasance so replace cognition in people ‘s lives. By doing widespread violent phenomenon and ignorance that emerges from civilization itself, Bradbury express a concern in existent universe that the power of muss media and censoring will one twenty-four hours destroy people ‘s close relationship and replacements for thought.
Gina Butler