Life Application Paper Assignment Instructions Overview In this course you will

Life Application Paper Assignment Instructions
In this course you will submit three Life Application Papers. The Life Application Paper: Exploring Communication Organizations Assignment and Life Application Paper: Field or Discipline Assignment will be informal (i.e. no formal APA required) but professionally written. The Life Application Paper: Communication and Faith Assignment will be formally written. The three papers will allow you to explore how to:
1. Connect your professional work and the Strategic Communication community through journals, conferences, and expectations for peer-reviewed research.
2. Understand and engage the communication community, specifically the historical development of Strategic Communication.
3. Connect Strategic Communication and your research interest, which you will develop into your dissertation, to your faith and world view.
Each assignment should be a minimum of 500 words.
NOTE: Informal APA style basics include a cover page, page numbers, and references/intext citations where applicable. Critical thinking will be assessed. Careful editing is expected. The goal is to use this knowledge beyond DIGI 700 and to find a community of academics and/or professionals who are also engaged in your topic of interest.
Life Application Paper: Exploring Communication Organizations Assignment
After selecting an organization from the list below, explore the depth and breadth of the organization. Things to consider include: What is its purpose? History? Membership size? Do they have a publication? What is that publications rate of acceptance? What services do they provide? What do you get as a member? What are the fees? Is this regional, local, national, international?
Then, summarize the organization, making sure to explain its relevance to the type of research you are most interested in pursuing.
Below is a list of organizations to choose from. If you have another one in mind that does not appear on this list, get approval from your professor to use it as your focus for this assignment.
American Culture Association
Association for Business Communication
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Broadcast Education Association
IEEE Professional Communication Society
International Association for Media and Communication Research
National Communication Association
National Social Science Association
Eastern Communication Association
Southern States Communication Association
Central States Communication Association
Western States Communication Association
Popular Culture Association of the South
Society for Cinema and Media Studies
Religious Communication Association
Religious Research Association
Public Relations Society of America
Society for Technical Communication
International Communication Association
American Academy of Advertising
American Theatre and Drama Society
Life Application Paper: Field or Discipline Assignment
Using the resources provided in this class and any additional sources you may discover along the way, answer these two questions: Based on the history of Strategic Communication, should Strategic Communication be considered an academic discipline or a field of study? Why is the answer to this question important for you as a student of communication? Be sure to document your answers well.
Life Application Paper: Communication and Faith Assignment
When you complete this course, you will have read over 1,000 pages of works by authors who have influenced the theory and practice of Strategic Communication. In this final paper, connect Strategic Communication and a topic of interest—the one you are considering for the significant work of a dissertation—to your faith and worldview. Specifically, articulate the thesis or driving question you want to pursue and answer to in your dissertation.
Develop a strong thesis/worldview statement in the form of an introduction. Write this with the care required of a framing statement designed to guide the rest of your project. Formal APA style is required. Keep the tone and structure academic-professional, limiting first person use to an implied perspective.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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