Leveraging the program/course information provided (attached) to update the PS f

Leveraging the program/course information provided (attached) to update the PS from order # 361303410.
1. One 2-page length PS for each of the 4 universities, in separate word documents
2. The statement should include overall expectations of the program and details of interests and experience in the subject area. To demonstrate a genuine/purposeful reason for applying the specific program with supporting examples from applicant’s experience (feel free being creative here)
3. please address the applicant’s professional and academic background, specify what’s new offered by the program, why it’s important for the applicant to enroll in the program (keep it clear and purposeful, what the applicant can gain from the program, why another master since the applicant has one already, it’s significant to look qualified but not over qualified)
4. Applicant’s academic background for your reference
5. Applicant’s professional background is in the attachment

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