Least 100 Words –

Least 100 Words –


For this assignment, you will work on setting goals for yourself (ORIENTED TO Group Therapy sessions, culture sensitivity) using the SMART method. You will find an explanation of this method in the module that will guide you in your goal-setting process. You will list a minimum of five professional goals that you would like to accomplish during the clinical experience in this term. For each goal, you must provide an explanation of how the goal is representative of each of the SMART characteristics: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. Be sure to answer the following questions for each goal summary: Can you measure it? Is it attainable? Is it realistic? What is the time frame you have set for completing that goal?  

Format: Each goal summary should be at least 100 words – totaling 500 words for this assignment (INCLUDING SPEAKER NOTES THAT ARE MANDATORY).11 SLIDES (excluding the introduction and reference page).?formatted and cited in current APA style 7 ed  with support from at least 5 academic sources which need to be journal articles or books from 2019 up to now. NO WEBSITES allowed for reference entry. Include doi, page numbers, etc. Plagiarism must be less than 10%.

Rubric : 

Specific To set a specific goal you must answer the 6 Ws: Who? Who is involved? What? What would I like to accomplish? Where? Where is this happening? When? When do I start/finish? Which? Identify requirements and constraints Why? Why am I doing this? Specific reasons, purpose or benefits! Exemplary – 6-8 points The goal is personal and identifies areas of weakness in clinical practice. The goal is detailed and clearly focused on the specific skills, behaviors, and/or knowledge outlined in the course objectives. 

Measurable Goals may have several short-term and on-going measurements so that you can see how you are doing in your aim to achieve your goal. A non-measurable goal: I want to learn how to sing. A measurable goal: I want to learn 5 arias by Friday, November 12th Exemplary – 6-8 points Measures have been identified that will demonstrate learning, results, and/or progress as related to the described goal. 

Achievable/Ambitious A goal should stretch you slightly so you feel you can do it, and it will need a real commitment from you. Think about what is achievable and what you want to do. Exemplary – 6-8 points The goal set forth is realistic, motivating, challenging, and can be achievable within the term. There is a clear process described to support achievability. 

Relevant Realistic goals should have you push you, but not break you! Exemplary – 6-8 points The goal has a strong connection to the course objectives, the student’s history, current interests, and/or demonstrated abilities. 

Timely What is your time frame? Putting an end to your goal, or target dates to work towards, gives you a sense of accomplishment as you move toward achieving your goal. With a time frame comes more commitment to achievement! Exemplary – 8-9 points The goal has a definite date of what will be accomplished by this date and is linked to the measurables. Is within the time frame of this term. 

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