Knowledge Management – Technologies for Knowledge – Project Writing Assignment Help

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Knowledge Management Assignment Help


You MUST select only ONE topic from the following topics for your individual written assignment. No other topic can be accepted without prior approval from the course lecturer.

1- Describe the major milestones in the evolution of knowledge management. Provide some examples of activities that, while not specifically denoted as “KM” nevertheless represented key KM activities in organizations. In your historical summary, be sure to include names of key KM leaders, companies and events

2- Describe the multidisciplinary roots of KM. Why do you feel each one contributes to the profession? Select three of these root disciplines and outline how your approach to KM would differ

3- Compare and contrast the major KM cycle frameworks and produce a synthesis, taking the best elements of each. Explain how knowledge would be managed in such a cycle.

4- Extend your synthesis of KM cycles to include inter-organizational KM. What additional mechanisms will need to be in place? What are the major challenges that will accrue from virtualization and how would you address them?

5- What is the role played by technologies in the KM processes? Can you provide examples of specific tools that would be used for specific knowledge processing steps?

6- Select two KM models that you feel are comprehensive and easily implemented. How are they complementary? Are they complete – would you add any components from those models that you did not select?

7- Select one of the KM models and outline the steps you would need to take in order to implement the model in an organization. What are some of the obstacles you would expect to encounter and how would you overcome them? How would you address the issue of sustainability and rendering the organization more viable in the long-term?

8- A company is about to lose two of its key people due to retirements. One individual is highly outgoing, very social and has been actively involved in a variety of training activities. The other individual prefers to be given a list of questions that he will have to answer before each interview and seems fairly reluctant to embark upon the project. Outline a knowledge capture strategy for each of these individuals. How would your approach differ? What do anticipate to be the major obstacles with each of the persons involved? How would you select the best techniques to use given these obstacles?

9- Discuss at least three ways in which tacit knowledge can be captured from a group and then preserved in organizational memory. What are the pros and cons of each approach?

10- Describe the major milestones in the evolution of a typical community of practice. What are the different routes that this may take? What are the roles that can be played by senior management? What are some of the organizational factors that could help facilitate the forming of a CoP? What are some of the organizational constraints that could hinder the successful development of a CoP and how would you address these?

11- Once a CoP is fairly well established, what sorts of measures would you put into place in order to evaluate how well the CoP is meeting its business objectives? What sorts of tools would you need to acquire or develop? Outline your evaluation strategy including what you would measure, how you measure, how frequently etc. How would you link this to social capital measures? How would you show the path between CoP outcomes and organizational learning outcomes?

12- Trust is critical for the effective sharing of valuable knowledge. How would you assess or measure trust? What sort of parameters could indicate that trust has been established and that it is increasing? Provide examples of key indices you could measure and how you would measure them.

13-. Describe how you would design a knowledge repository. What are some of the critical early steps that must be undertaken? How would you take into account different types of users and their divergent knowledge application needs? What are some potential hurdles and what can you do to overcome them? Use a flowchart to illustrate your recommended approach.

14- Consider the case of an organization that has been in existence for over 20 years and another company that is a recent start-up. Compare and contrast the type of knowledge support system you would design for each one and justify your recommendations. Address how the two companies would need to be treated differently e.g. in terms of where the emphasis and the majority of the effort will occur. Illustrate your recommended KSS solution for each of the two organizations and highlight the key components.

15- Describe the major differences when KM occurs at the individual, group and organizational levels. What are the major obstacles at each level? What types of technologies are needed for each level?

16- Discuss the affective domain of the Bloom taxonomy. Why are attitudes important to consider in KM? How does attitude influence the establishment of trust which in turn helps establish effective KM applications.

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