KIT502: University of Tasmania- Your Excellent On-time Meals- Web Development Assignment

Web Development Assignment:
Y.E.O.M. Pty. Ltd. has bought out Lazenbys, The Ref and The Trade Table at University of Tasmania (UTas). In discussion with the staff and students at UTas, it was discovered that the biggest complaint was having to wait in long queues during peak times when they have just a short time to get a meal or beverage.
To address this issue, it has been decided to develop a web site where food and drink can be pre-ordered and pre-paid so that clients can quickly collect their meals.

Each café will have its own menu displayed by the system.

There will be a “Master List of Food & Beverages”. This list will contain the ONLY items that may appear on a menu.

Each café manager will be responsible for selecting items from the “Master List of Food & Beverages” that will appear on their cafes menu (i.e. the manager for The Ref can select items to appear on the menu for The Ref, but NOT for Lazenbys or The Trade Table menus).

The Director of The Board :

• will control what will be available at the UTas cafes, so will be the only people who can create and modify the master list of food and drinks.
• will be responsible for employment and security access at the cafes.

Each café will have at least 2 staff members (numbers are determined by the director), one of whom will be assigned (by the director) to be that cafes manager. Staff and managers can be rostered to work at any café, but there can be only one manager at each café at a time.

To use the online menu system, UTas staff and students must first register by providing their Name, Student/Staff ID, E-mail address, mobile phone number, credit card details and password. After registering, an e-mail will be sent to the users e-mail that contains a link that is used to confirm registration (for the purposes of testing you should use your own e-mail account).

Payment for menu items will come from a pre-paid account. All users will have an account created at registration that they must deposit funds into to purchase items from a menu (i.e. like the caps printing system).

When ordering from a menu, users will be able to add comments to any item ordered. This will be to specify any item specifics e.g. if ordering coffee, a description of the type of coffee may be supplied such as “large soy latte +3 sugars”. Each menu is for the following day.

User ID Ranges: i.e. Director (can do all), Café Managers (do some), the rest are customers. Only students get 10% discount

table 1
Planning & Development Considerations
Planning the site.
• Plan a site overall in the first place is a crucial step to construct a site. Understand the client’s needs and plan accordingly. For example, planning a design theme for the site with variations of the theme that may be used for sub sections is a recommendation.
Develop using the appropriate tools.
• HTML 5 for static content.
• CSS for formatting.
• JavaScript, Ajax and jQuery for client-side interactivity.
• PHP for dynamic content and server-side interactivity.
• MySQL for data storage and retrieval.
Apply consistent structure.
The files needed for the web site will be included in a single folder (directory) – the name of this folder is the same as your alacritas username. The files must be organized into sensibly chosen sub-folders (i.e. sub-folder for CSS or sub-folder for images, etc.).
All semantic structure of the website is controlled by “HTML”. Pay close attention to the elements that you use – make sure that you use the most appropriate element for the kind of text you are marking up.
All layout and other details of the appearance of the website are controlled by valid CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) rules. You place the overall CSS rules in an external style sheet.
All client side behavior of the website (the response to mouse clicking or keyboard reaction) are controlled by valid JavaScript / Ajax / jQuery.
All data is stored in the MySQL database.
Description of Task
This is the starting / entry point to the café menu system which will have:
• links to each of the café menus.
• A link to a registration page.
• login/logout section.
For Assignment 1 the login/logout section does not need to authenticate a user (i.e. no database access is required)
This is where new users can register to use the system. Further details are in the Details section above.
Proper input validation must be applied at this point including:
• double entry password check
• password is:
o 6 to 12 characters in length
o Contains at least 1 lower case letter, 1 uppercase letter, 1 number and one of the
following special characters ~ ! # $
Café staff and managers do not register, they are added to the system by the director. Once added to the system, café staff can also use the menu system to order food and beverages. For Part 1 the registration page does not need to store the registration data (i.e. no database access is required).
It will display:
• The opening and closing times of the café,
• the list of food and beverage items available at that café,
• their cost and an initial associated order quantity of 0 (zero).
If a user is not logged in, they can only view the menu items. The comment and quantity fields for each item cannot be viewed, and an order cannot be submitted.
If a user is logged in, they can view a menu and change any items quantity and submit it as an order.
For Part 1 the café menu page does not need to store a submitted order (i.e. no database access is required).
This is where the director creates, edits or removes items in the list of food and beverages that will be available for selection by the café managers to use in their menus.
The director also allocates the purchase price for each item and sets the date that the menu applies to.
For Part 1 the master food and beverage list page does not need to store any changes to the list or the items in it (i.e. no database access is required).

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