Introduction on “Shadowing a Leader” This is just an informational thread for di

Introduction on “Shadowing a Leader”
This is just an informational thread for discussion on what “Shadowing a Leader” requires.
· Each student is responsible for developing a set of interviews or dialogue points to provide for the leader prior to their virtual meeting and/or phone conversation-if possible.
· Each student should set up a minimum of three meetings, one of which can be, with the leader’s permission ask questions about their leadership at work, in the community, and or family-if possible.
The analysis should include the leaders:
• Leadership philosophy
• Vision and goals for the organization
• Conflict management techniques and suggestions
• Methods for establishing and building trust
• Methods for empowering others.
The results of this field research assignment will be due in Lesson Four.
· Compose a 3-5-page essay in American Psychological Association (APA) formatting style including correct:
– Title page
– Reference page
– In-text citations

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