Intro To Fiction

I’m studying and need help with a English question to help me learn.

Select one of following stories, and perform one of the following activities upon it:
For “A Rose for Emily,” assess Faulkner’s own analysis of the story as related in the interview “The Meaning of ‘A Rose for Emily.’” Do you agree with the critical judgments made? Why or why not? or
I went ahead and choose the first option. I attached two files, the first one is the short story in case you need it. The second is the main part, The meaning of a rose for emilyWeek5 Discussion Reply 1-4
Help me study for my Business class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

1. Jessica

As a visionary health care leader, you can utilize your knowledge of the various health care delivery settings to set standards that would not only allow you to provide and deliver exceptional health care services but contribute to the continuous improvements of them as well. By utilizing your knowledge of different health care delivery settings, you can expand the access of health care services within the health care system that would allow providing patients with proper care faster and easier to accomplish. Patients look to health care leaders to establish a foundation for them to have access to affordable and good quality health care within their facility. However, obtaining a career in the health care industry will require health care administrators to encounter different patients experiencing different medical complications daily. By utilizing the knowledge gained from various health care delivery settings, visionary leaders will establish the opportunity to provide numerous health care services and treatments to patients based on their individual needs.

Visionary leaders can best utilize their knowledge of the different health care delivery settings to improve how services are distributed to patients. Providing a variety of services is extremely necessary for the health care industry due to patient’s needs being determined based on factors such as health status, finances, and medical conditions. Also, in a constantly evolving system, new settings and methods are likely to emerge (Shi, 2015). Being familiar with different health care delivery settings will assist visionary leaders in providing the health care services patients expect when visiting different health care facilities. As a visionary leader, it is essential to use your position to recognize the needs of the patients you encounter and address them accordingly. Providing patients with services in the appropriate health care delivery setting will eliminate unnecessary time being wasted to determine what the patient need, increase the number of patients being seen and treated, and maximize productivity within the overall health care system. The actions of a visionary leader can consequently influence their companions to go beyond what is expected to not only provide extraordinary health care services to patients but contribute to the improvements of access and delivery of health care within various settings.

2. Sierra

A visionary leader can best utilize the knowledge of the health care delivery setting to make a difference in healthcare by knowing what the patients are needing from their health care providers. As a leader, they should know what a patient expects from their service , from that knowledge , they should use it and apply to the everyday patient care. A visionary leader could use the knowledge of what is expected by finding ways to provide affordable healthcare to those who aren’t able, provide efficient care for those who need extensive care, and to also develop funding programs that are useful to those who need the extra funding to pay for services. The visionary leader can use the knowledge to inspire others to do the same in trying to help those who cant help themselves. As a visionary leader, their focus should be to communicate with other individuals to help make the vision of making a difference throughout their organization and the patients. During the process, a visionary leader is also gaining trust of others and building a bond or connection. This build the team’s communication with one another and also builds the working relationship throughout the department. Everyone is on one accord and understands the vision they are trying to accomplish in the healthcare setting. “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.” (Matthew 25:21) A visionary leader is a servant of God fulfilling his purpose in making a difference in the healthcare field and mastering into leadership.

3. Charles

When discussing my views on complementary and alternative medicine it is important to note that my profession can be thought of as alternative medicine. I am currently a registered kinesiotherapist which is an alternative to a physical therapist. Kinesiotherapists do not use the conventional modalities that a physical therapist may use and instead rely heavily on exercise and stretching methods to heal the body. As a result of my profession I obviously am a huge supporter of certain forms of alternative medicine. I do however think that some forms of alternative medicine are not trustworthy. When it comes to complementary medicines I can say that I am a supporter of those as well. I regularly use aromatherapy such as lavender in a diffuser to aid with sleep. When used with other medications additional oils do actually seem to help with various ailments. The way that I view complementary and alternative medicines is in the day of Jesus Christ all medications were natural and what we would consider alternative medicines in today’s day and age. This did not stop these medications from working in that time period and it does not stop it from working today. Everything was placed on this earth for a purpose and I believe that when it comes to some of the complementary and alternative methods of medicine they were placed here for the purpose of healing. As stated in James 5:14-15 (New International Version), “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.”

4. Tami

We see great advancement in the technological approach to delivering healthcare from the confinements of a physician’s office and hospital treatment centers into an ever evolving landscape filled with Owner’s, Provider’s and Setting for Ambulatory Care Services. Just as these monumental formations have sprang up throughout our local communities and perishes we also see advancements in the use of non traditional therapeutic approaches combining forces with conventional treatment methods to improve the quality of life for a great number of patients. The use of complementary medicine is gaining traction and momentum in health care delivery settings as health professionals continue to make great strides through research for pain management and pain associated with cancer to better understand how this integrative approach may spread even further. In the book of Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) proclaims, “ we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Along the same vein I believe the technological and medical advancements are in line with doing the good works described. The notion of a one size fits all approach is a bit antiquated. If the use of traditional, complementary and alternative therapies render a more rewarding results then why not. If acupuncture helps to diminish side effects from cancer, that’s a major deal; if replacing anticancer drugs with a special diet to treat cancer helps, I believe the integrative approach should continue to have a place a viable option in the heath settings to better understand their value.Watch Video and Discussion: nursing assignment help
I’m working on a Political Science question and need guidance to help me study.

Please watch the four videos listed below. Compare the different types of election systems for viability in a modern, large population, democratic country. In particular, how would parties and interest groups behavior change from system to system? Which system do you think meets the needs of citizens in a democracy? The US currently has a First Past the Post system. How might we fix the issues with FPTP to better represent the American people?

The following link is for the website with the videos on voting (you can also find them on YouTube):… (Links to an external site.)

Watch the following 4 videos:

Part 1–Problems with First Past the Post

Part 2–The Alternative Vote

Part 4–Mixed Member Proportional Representation

Part 5–Single Transferrable VoteWrite a Java program that uses decorator classes to add capabilities to employees. In a typical company, an employee will be asked to perform a number of duties, such as Department Head, Safety Coordinator, Recruiter, or Community Liason.: nursing assignment help
Need help with my Computer Science question – I’m studying for my class.

Decorating Employee Objects (18 Points)

Write a Java program that uses decorator classes to add capabilities to employees. In a typical company, an employee will be asked to perform a number of duties, such as Department Head, Safety Coordinator, Recruiter, or Community Liason. You should have additional ones besides those. Your Java program will create Employees and then decorate these employees at runtime.

Create an abstract class named Employee, with last name and description fields, and a getDescription() method. Create a concrete class named SalariedEmployee that extends Employee. Create an abstract class named ResponsibilityDecorator that is able to decorate an employee and return the employee’s responsibility as a string. It will have an abstract getDescription method. Create some job category classes that extend the ResponsibilityDecorator class and implement the getDescription() method.

In your main test program, create at least 5 Employee objects and pass them to the constructors of each of your decorator classes. The first employee should be you so use your last name. Then, print each Employee by calling its getDescription() method. All employees should not have the same number of responsibilities. The program’s output should look something like this for each :

[LastName]: Manager, Recruiter, CommunityLiaison, ProductionDesigner Of course, you print the person’s name where the “[LastName]” placeholder is shown. The brackets should not be included.

Submit a ZIP file called containing only Java source files. Do not use the package statement in any of your files. Each class should be in a separate file. I will compile and run from the command line.

A Java submission must compile and run from the command line or it will earn a 0 and will not be graded further. Do not include package statements or this will happen.The initial Crime Scene (locating, recording, and collecting); to the analysis being performed within the Crime Laboratory; and then to the Courtroom.
I’m stuck on a Law question and need an explanation.

The paper will be a step-by-step description of the selected physical evidence being handled from: The initial Crime Scene (locating, recording, and collecting); to the analysis being performed within the Crime Laboratory; and then to the Courtroom. The report should include the qualifications of both the ET/CSI and the criminalist(s) who process the item(s) at the scene and in the lab respectively. A commentary as to the expert testimony that would be given in trial regarding this evidence and its findings should be included in the Courtroom section. The physical evidence must have a complete continuity chain documented! Fictitious names, times and dates may be used. Exhibits may also be submitted with the Paper. There must be a minimum of three (3) sources used as resource for this paper. All sources utilized in the Paper must be documented by footnotes and listed in the bibliography.

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